Monthly Archives: September 2009


Iran says develops missile interceptor system: TV


Soldiers in Germany try out MRAPs, but learn Afghanistan™s terrain often calls for foot patrols


Mohamed Hassan, a 21-year old American from Minnesota, was one of ten people killed during fighting in Mogadishu; Hassan was fighting with Shabaab. Shabaab retook control of neighborhoods in Beledweyn after Ethiopian troops withdrew. Hizbul Islam leader Hassan Dahir Aweys denied conducting talks with the government.

Turmoil intensifies in Southern Thailand


Afghan troops killed three Taliban fighters in Farah. The Taliban attacked a NATO convoy in Balkh province; no casualties were reported. The Taliban kidnapped a reporter in Kunduz and killed a US soldier in eastern Afghanistan.


Iraqi troops detained 54 suspected insurgents in Kirkuk, 10 wanted men in Basrah, eight in Baqubah, and seven in Saadiya, and a terror cell leader in Tikrit. Insurgents killed a policeman in Mosul, wounded 11 civilians in two bombings in Baghdad, and wounded three policemen in Baqubah.

NYT reporter kidnapped in Kunduz, Afghanistan

According to reports from Afghanistan, New York Times reporter Stephen Farrell and his driver/interpreter have been kidnapped while attempting to cover the story of the NATO airstrike on the two Taliban-hijacked tankers in Kunduz, Afghanistan. The local Afghan press is reporting that a reporter has been kidnapped, although Farrell was not directly named; however, the […]

United States

An American who was arrested after he tried to illegally enter Pakistan’s tribal agencies last year failed to show up in court in Charsadda. Jude Kenan Muhammad, a member of the eight-man jihadist cell in North Carolina, is the only member of the cell who has not been detained.


Missing channel pirate ship carried Russian arms for Iran


President Hamid Karzai takes 100% of votes in opposition stronghold

United Kingdom

Revealed: Libya paid for medical advice that helped Lockerbie bomber’s release


The military killed 63 Lashkar-e-Islam fighters in Khyber and another 20 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. Security forces killed one Taliban fighter in Swat and detained 15 more. The Frontier Corps killed a local leader in Mohmand.


Somalia™s foreign minister claimed Islamist insurgent groups have merged with the government. The African Union said Ugandan troops can attack Shabaab. Nigerian troops have arrived in Mogadishu. Ten people were wounded in mortar attacks in Mogadishu.

Kandahar drug bust: narco-penetration of the state

Sacks of drugs seized during Operation Alabtross II in the Spin Boldak region of Kandahar. DEA Photo. With an increased focus on the narco-insurgent linkages in Afghanistan, NATO and US forces are actively targeting drug refinement workshops (routinely and inaccurately described as “laboratories”), drug shipments, and “nexus-targets,” those involved in both insurgent activity like IEDs […]

When to publish images of the dead and wounded?

Marines and Navy Corpsmen treat an Iraqi Police officer at a station in downtown Fallujah, January 2007. Though seriously wounded with a gunshot through his back, this man was stabilized and survived after being transported to an American facility. Photo by Bill Ardolino. The AP’s decision to run a picture of a mortally wounded Marine […]


Insurgents killed a civilian in an IED attack near Baqubah and shot and killed a civilian in Mosul, and wounded six Iraqis in two IED attacks in Baghdad. Security forces detained nine wanted men in Basrah, an insurgent group commander in Baghdad, and an IED cell member in Diyala.

Iran’s hand in Afghanistan

On Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal reported: Ghulam Yahya, a former mayor of this ancient city along the Silk Road, battled the Taliban for years and worked hand in hand with Western officials to rebuild the country’s industrial hub. Now, Mr. Yahya is firing rockets at the Herat airport and nearby coalition military headquarters. He […]


Security forces killed three Taliban fighters in Ghazni province and two more in Wardak province. The Taliban killed one French soldier and wounded nine more in an IED attack in Kapisa province, and wounded 10 civilians in a bombing in Herat.


The Students Islamic Movement of India has renamed itself the Wahadat-e-Islami and its members have been meeting across the country. The group is headquartered in Rajasthan, according to Indian intelligence.


EU foreign ministers weigh Afghanistan strategy in wake of Kunduz strike


Yemen blames northern rebels for breaking truce


One border policeman was killed and 12 more were wounded in a car bombing at a restaurant in Yala province. A security patrol killed one insurgent during a clash in the Bannang Sata district in Yala.


Security forces killed a Taliban commander and four fighters in Khyber and killed one more in Swat; 41 fighters surrendered or were detained. Three Taliban commanders were detained in Hayatabad. A lashkar killed three Taliban fighters in Swat. The Taliban killed two Frontier Corps troops in Peshawar.