Monthly Archives: September 2009

Study: Terrorists shifting focus to ‘soft’ targets


A suicide bomber killed five civilians in Diyala on Sept. 7. Insurgents killed two policemen in Kirkuk, a civilian and a US soldier in Baghdad, and a counterterrorism chief near Touz Khormato. Security forces detained eight wanted men in Basrah and three more in Mosul.


The election commission has ordered a partial recount. A suicide bomber killed five civilians at the military side of the Kabul airport. The Taliban killed four US soldiers in Kunar province, an ISAF in the South, and five Afghans in Baghlan, and kidnapped six doctors in Baghlan. Afghan forces killed 12 Taliban fighters in Baghlan.


US Defense Secretary Gates urged Arab allies to strengthen military ties with the US to help deter Iran. Members of parliament urged President Ahmadinejad to free detainees who played a minor role in the post-election violence. Iranian police warned the opposition against staging any protests in connection with Qods Day.


Two senior al Qaeda leaders are rumored to be among the seven killed in the Predator strike in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed five soldiers in an IED attack in South Waziristan and killed four students in Arakzai. The military killed 10 Lashkar-e-Islam fighters in Khyber.

Al Qaeda

Algeria deploys special gendarmes to boost Kabylie security

United Kingdom

A court found three British Muslims guilty of “conspiracy to murder by the detonation of improvised explosive devices on trans-Atlantic aircraft.” Abdullah Ahmed Ali, Assad Sarwar, and Tanwir Hussain were involved in the liquid explosives plot that was planned by al Qaeda operative Rashid Rauf.


The Taliban killed three civilians in a rocket attack on Kabul, one civilian in a bombing in Uruzgan, and three Coalition soldiers during attacks in southern Afghanistan. Afghan and Coalition forces detained a Taliban sub-commander in Kandahar.


President Ahmadinejad said discussions on Iran’s nuclear program are “finished.” Former president Khatami accused the government of using “fascist and totalitarian methods” against political enemies. Ayatollah Khamenei said the humanities courses at universities were un-Islamic.


Eight Iraqis were killed and 18 were wounded in a suicide attack in Ramadi. Insurgents killed a policeman and his son in Mosul and a civilian in Diyala, and wounded eight civilians in three separate bombings in Baghdad. Security forces detained eight wanted men in Basrah.


Iraq presses UN envoy on bombings tribunal, Syria


Indonesia’s national police chief said Mohamad Jibril, a top suspect in the July bombings in Jakarta, was trained by Jemaah Islamiyah in camps in Pakistan. “Jibril received military training from several Jemaah Islamiyah activists for about a year, from 1999- 2000,” General Bambang said.

Another American killed fighting for Shabaab

Image of a Shabaab fighter from the terror group’s website. The disturbing trend of US citizens being killed while fighting for al Qaeda-linked Shabaab in Somalia continues. From The Media Line, the fifth US citizen was killed during fighting in Mogadishu over the weekend: Al Shabaab fighters said Mohamed Hassan, a 21-year old American from […]