Monthly Archives: September 2009


Yemen says Shiite rebel posts recaptured


Stolen Nato devices recovered from Quetta warehouse


Truck bomb in north Iraq Kurdish village kills 19


Iran may have enough enriched uranium to build a bomb, US warns


The military killed seven Taliban fighters and detained 28 more in Swat and 30 in Khyber. The bodies of three Taliban fighters were discovered in Arakzai. The Chaman border crossing remains closed to NATO traffic.


Three US soldiers were killed in an IED attack in northern Iraq on Sept. 8. Insurgents killed four Iraqis in a bombing in Kirkuk, a policeman in Mosul, and a civilian near Khanaqin. Security forces killed a terrorist in Mosul and detained 16 wanted men in Kirkuk, 10 in Basrah, six in Jalawlaa, four in […]

Media ethics

On Sunday, Billl Roggio reported the kidnapping of New York Times correspondent Stephen Farrell, who was freed today by a NATO operation. Farrell’s driver/interpreter Sultan Munadi was also kidnapped, and lost his life in the raid along with a British soldier. Editors at the Times had been trying to keep the abduction quiet, as they […]

4 Marines, 9 Afghan troops killed in Kunar ambush

A US Army soldier assigned to C Company, 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment, engages the enemy during a patrol near Combat Outpost Honaker Miracle in Kunar province, Afghanistan, on July 29, 2009. US Army photo by Evan Marcy. Yesterday’s ambush in the eastern Afghan province of Kunar will certainly raise additional questions about the restrictive […]

RE: When to publish images of the dead and wounded?

Click the image to view the slideshow of the suicide truck bombing at Combat Outpost Inman in western Mosul. I’m in full agreement with Bill Ardolino on the issue of whether the AP should have published the image of the US Marine who was gravely wounded in Helmand province, Afghanistan, and later died. The photo […]


Two terrorists and an Indian Army officer were killed during a clash along the Line of Control in Kashmir. The terrorists were attempting to infiltrate from Pakistan-controlled Kashmir. Two paramilitary troopers, one policeman, and a civilian were wounded in a grenade attack outside a police station in Sopore.


NATO commandos freed a reporter kidnapped in Kunduz province; a British commando and the reporter’s driver were killed during the raid. Sixteen Taliban fighters were killed in an airstrike in Logar, eight were killed in clashes in Zabul, and two more were killed during clashes in Kandahar. A suicide bomber killed two civilians in Helmand.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda targeting Germany for ‘next 9/11’ – within weeks

NATO commandos free NYT reporter

NATO commandos have freed Stephen Farrell, the New York Times reporter who was kidnapped in Afghanistan’s northern province of Kunduz last week while covering the airstrike on two hijacked fuel tankers. Reuters reports: New York Times spokeswoman Diane McNulty confirmed early on Wednesday that Farrell had been released and Sultan [Farrell’s driver] killed. Abdul Waheed […]

Philippine military fighting insurgency on tight budget


Security officers arrested four Yemeni men suspected of plotting to attack the US embassy in Sana’a. The four men were arrested near the embassy; their two cars were packed with automatic rifles, ammunition, and hand grenades. The suspects are from the town of Damag.


Nine Taliban fighters and three civilians were reported killed in a US airstrike against the Haqqanis in North Waziristan. The military killed 24 Lashkar-e-Islam fighters in Khyber and detained 31 Taliban fighters and two commanders in Swat. A senior Taliban deputy was killed in Bajaur. The Taliban destroyed eight NATO tankers in Quetta and kidnapped […]

‘Muted’ Afghan response to Kunduz airstrike

Afghan troops secure the site of the Kunduz airstrike. AP photo. The Washington Post notes that the reaction to last week’s bombing of the two hijacked fuel tankers in Kunduz province has been “muted.” Instead, popular and official reaction to the lethal airstrike has been far more tolerant than after similar past incidents. There have […]

Iraq-Syria row intensifies

The Iraq-Syria row over Syria’s sponsorship of insurgent groups and al Qaeda operating in Iraq has gotten interesting over the past few days. Omar over at Iraq The Model has been closely following the story and has some interesting updates. First, a small group of Iraqis held a protest in Hillah and cleverly used Syrian […]