Monthly Archives: September 2009


Afghan warlord General Atta Mohammad Nur warning raises fear of election violence


The Taliban killed two US soldiers in separate attacks in the East and two Afghan soldiers in Kunar, wounded nine civilians in a suicide attack in Kandahar, and wounded eight children in a bombing in Khost. US and Afghan forces detained a Haqqani Network fighter in Paktia.


President Zardari rejected the US “AfPak” strategy. Fifteen Taliban fighters and six Uzbek fighters were killed in Swat, and 33 Taliban fighters were detained in Mohmand and 12 more in Dir. Two Pakistanis were killed in a rocket attack on the Jandola Scouts Fort in South Waziristan.


Muslim separatists shot a Buddhist defense volunteer and lit his body on fire in front of terrified onlookers in Pattani province. Also in Pattani, terrorists threw a bomb in a restaurant, wounding five civilians. Two Deputy Village Chiefs were also shot to death, one in Pattani and the other in Songkhla province.


Security progress continues in Iraq, despite attacks


US military presence in the Philippines will be a hot issue in the country’s elections


Lebanese prime minister-designate Saad al-Hariri stepped down after failing to form a government 10 weeks after the election. Hezbollah and its allies blocked the formation of a new government after “rounds and rounds of consultations which always ended in obstruction,” Hariri said.


US eyes military equipment transfer to Pakistan from Iraq


Schulte: Syria may have more nuke sites


Twenty-six Iraqis were killed in bombings in Ninewa, Baghdad, and Hillah. Security forces detained 22 wanted men in Basrah, four terrorists in Bayji and Wasit, and a senior al Qaeda leader in Baqubah who recently arrived from Syria.

Encouraging signs from Swat

Dawn published an encouraging article noting that tribal lashkars, or local militias, are taking a stand in Swat, a region once under the full control of the Taliban until the military launched an operation last spring: When a posse of Taliban fighters entered a mosque in this village during evening prayers last week to demand […]


The commander of Somali government forces in Beledweyen said Shabaab and allied Islamists have taken control of the city. Shabaab said it has spies in the government and working with African Union troops. Five people were killed during clashes at the main port in Mogadishu. The number of internally displaced persons is now at 1.5 […]

Iran continues to arm the Taliban

EFPs, EFP cones, and other materials seized during a raid in Baghdad in October 2008. Click to view. FOX News reports that another shipment of Iranian weapons has been confiscated in western Afghanistan: Afghan and NATO forces uncovered the weapons cache on Aug. 29 in Herat. It included a small number of Iranian-made “explosively formed […]


Afghan journalists boycott Taliban activities over murdering colleague


Fearing Taliban, Pak Hindus take Thar Express to India


US intelligence agencies have concluded that Iran has created enough fuel for a nuclear weapon. IAEA chief Mohammed El Baradei urged Iran to accept the US invitation for talks. President Ahmadinejad stated that Iran’s critics are upset that his country is “more powerful than ever.”


US Official: Dialogue with "Vulnerable" Iran More Difficult


Iran™s Mousavi urges calm despite arrests