Monthly Archives: September 2009


Security forces killed 22 Lashkar-e-Islam fighters in Khyber and killed five Taliban fighters in Swat. Two policemen were wounded in a suicide attack in Hangu. More than 350 tribal police in Khyber were fired for failing to show up for duty after threats from extremists.


The sixth American was killed while fighting for Shabaab. Troy Kastigar’s family was not Somali and he was a convert to Islam. Twelve disabled veterans and three civilians were killed during shelling in Mogadishu.

Sixth American dies while fighting with Shabaab in Somalia

The sixth American is thought to have been killed while fighting with Shabaab in Somalia. From Minnesota Public Radio: Troy Kastigar’s family received reports of his death within the past week, according to friends of the family. The circumstances of his reported death aren’t clear, and the information could not be confirmed by the FBI. […]


Fifty Taliban fighters, seven Afghan soldiers, and two US troops were reported killed during fighting in Farah province. Coalition aircraft killed 10 Taliban fighters in a strike in Kunduz. The Taliban killed 10 civilians in rocket and IED attacks in Khost and Kandahar, seven policemen in an attack in Kunduz, and two US soldiers in […]


Four Iraqis were killed and 11 were wounded in bombings near the Ministry of Health and elsewhere in Baghdad. One policeman was killed and two more were wounded in attacks in Mosul. Security forces defused a bomb inside the Imam Musa al-Kadhim shrine in Baghdad and detained seven wanted men in Basrah.


Morocco sentences terrorists for Kenitra prison escape


At Least 2 Rockets Fired from Lebanon Hit Israel


Four terrorists behind the assassination of a government official were killed during a raid on the outskirts of Makhachkala in Dagestan. One policeman was killed and five more were wounded in a suicide attack outside Nazran in Ingushetia. Three policemen were seriously wounded in a bombing in Grozny in Chechnya.


At least 32 civilians have been killed and 84 more were wounded during four days of fighting in Mogadishu. Shabaab chopped off the hands of two thieves in the capital. Shabaab and rival Islamist groups Ras Kambani Brigade and Anole are at odds over control of Kismayo.

Rashid Rauf ‘is still alive,’ British say

Rashid Rauf while in Pakistani custody. Click to view. As Bill Roggio has reported previously, there are good reasons to believe that Rashid Rauf, a top al Qaeda planner, survived a November 2008 strike in North Waziristan. Some in the CIA and in the press have claimed that Rauf is dead. But Rauf is “still […]

Al Qaeda

Weakened Al-Qaeda continues to evolve since 9/11 attacks


Five senior Swat Taliban leaders including Muslim Khan were detained during negotiations with the military. The military’s top spokesman said the time for negotiations with the Taliban is over. Five hundred tribal policemen in Khyber deserted due to Taliban threats. A Haqqani Network commander was killed in the Sept. 8 airstrike in North Waziristan.

Al Qaeda

A former Guantanamo detainee named Mehdi Mohammad Ghezali was among 12 foreigners detained in Dera Ghazi Khan. He was one of three Swedes detained. Ghezali was first captured in December 2001 as he fled the battle at the Tora Bora Mountains and attempted to enter Pakistan. He was later released.

‘Guantanamo Swede’ reportedly arrested in Pakistan

A former Guantanamo detainee named Mehdi Mohammad Ghezali has reportedly been arrested in Pakistan on terrorism charges. According to the Associated Press: Mehdi-Muhammed Ghezali was arrested with two other Swedes and nine other foreigners close to the country’s northwestern tribal regions… The 12 foreigners were arrested Aug. 28 in the town of Dera Ghazi Khan. […]

ICOS rating on Taliban control in Afghanistan is meaningless

The ICOS’ meaningless map on Taliban presence in Afghanistan. The latest report by the The International Council on Security and Development on the security situation in Afghanistan is making plenty of waves. According to the report, 97 percent of Afghansitan is infested with the Taliban. The Taliban now have a permanent presence in 80% of […]


Five Iraqi soldiers were killed in an attack on their checkpoint near Kirkuk. One prisoner was killed and 40 more were wounded during a riot at the Abu Ghraib prison; Iraqi troops were called in to quell the unrest. Security forces detained nine terrorists in Ramadi, four insurgents in Ninewa, and three security guards involved […]

500 tribal police quit in Khyber

A flag of the Khyber-based Lashkar-e-Islam painted on a wall in Bara. While the Pakistani military operation in Swat is showing signs of progress, the recently launched Khyber operation against the Lashkar-e-Islam is showing far less promise. Despite the military’s claims of routing the Lashkar-e-Islam (nearly 200 fighters have been reported killed during 10 days […]


Brigades represent new Iraq mission, commander says