Monthly Archives: June 2009


Security forces detained 25 wanted men in Basrah, 10 in Kirkuk, and six more in Dhi Qhar, an a al Qaeda leader in Ramadi, and a Special Groups leader in Wasit. One mortar shell landed in the Green Zone, no casualties were reported.


Six Taliban fighters and two policemen were killed during fighting in Khost province. Afghan and Coalition forces detained five Haqqani Network fighters in Paktia province, two Taliban fighters in Kandahar province, and a Taliban leader in Farah province. The Taliban killed two civilians in an IED attack in Kandahar.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters killed 21 policemen in a complex ambush in the town of Bordj Bou Arreridj. The policemen were escorting Chinese engineers when the convoy was hit with an roadside bomb attack and then targeted with gunfire. The terrorists stole the policemen’s weapons and uniforms after the ambush.


Iraq: Police arrest ‘Al-Qaeda commander’


Killing of US soldier casts light on Mosul police


Demonstrations continue in Iran as the death toll of protesters killed by the police and Basij rose to 32. The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps warned it would crack down on journalists and online media for publishing items that “create tension.” The government complained that the US is interfering with Iranian affairs.


Activities within Pakistan led to differences with Baitullah Meshsud: Qari Zainuddin


Security forces and tribesmen killed 28 Taliban fighters in Swat and Dir. Police detained four terrorists in Karachi and Islamabad and another in Lahore. The Taliban killed a policeman in Peshawar and one solider and three women in Mohmand. The Peshawar airport was shut down after a terror threat.


Security forces killed a suicide bomber in Baghdad and detained 20 wanted men in Basrah and a suspect in the murder of a senior Sunni parliamentarian in Baghdad. Courts will prosecute 115 Interior Ministry employees on various charges.


The Taliban killed three Danish soldiers in an IED attack in Helmand province and murdered an Afghan official in Kunduz province. The National Directorate of Security freed two al Jazeera reporters after detaining them three days ago.


Spain could take 5 Guantanamo inmates: report

Analysis: Waziristan operation to focus on Baitullah Mehsud

The Pakistani military appears to have a limited objective in the pending operation in South Waziristan. The Haqqani Network and Taliban leaders Hafiz Gul Bahadar and Mullah Nazir are not being mentioned by Pakistani officials, and efforts are underway to keep them out of the fight.


The Mali Army attacked an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb base in the Timetrine region along the border with Algeria. “There were several dead on their side and we seized ammunition, destroyed vehicles,” an Algerian security official said.


Pakistani public opinion appears to turn against Taliban