Monthly Archives: June 2009


Pakistan: 81 Razmak students, teachers rescued, 37 still missing


Pakistan’s victories over the Taliban: Less than meets the eye


Hafiz Saeed verdict: Pakistan tells India not to interfere


A court is secretly trying two Lebanese men and four Azerbaijanis for involvement with a terror plot to attack the Israeli and US embassies, and the Gabala missile-detection radar station in the country’s north. The six men are accused of being “connected to” both Hezbollah and al Qaeda, a court spokesman said.


A senior Iranian official said that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khomeini, and not the elected president of Iran, will decide on the direction of the country’s nuclear program and relations with the US. More than 30 people were detained after unrest in the southern city of Zahedan that resulted in the deaths of 10 people.


You™ll never take me alive: fugitive Saddam deputy


The military said 21 Taliban fighters and three soldiers were killed in Swat. The interior minister claimed 1244 Taliban fighters including 26 commanders, and 89 soldiers have been killed in the operation in Swat, Dir, Buner, and Shangla. The military said 80 students and a teacher were freed in North Waziristan, while another 20 are […]


The Lahore High Court ordered the release of Hafiz Saeed despite the government’s presenting evidence linking him to al Qaeda. Pakistan said India’s disappointment at Saeed’s release is “misplaced” and claimed India did not provide evidence that allowed Saeed to be detained. Saeed denied that his group has any links to the Mumbai assault.


Security forces detained 16 insurgents in Basrah, 15 wanted men in Karbala, and seven al Qaeda fighters in Abu Ghraib, and killed one terrorist and wounded another in Kirkuk. A US soldier was killed in an IED attack in Baghdad.


British troops killed a senior Taliban commander during a helicopter strike in Helmand province. Afghan and Coalition forces killed six Taliban fighters in Paktika province and five more in Wardak province. The Taliban killed six civilians in a suicide attack in Bagram, four policemen in Kunduz, and one ISAF soldier in eastern Afghanistan.


Khadamiyah shrine protected by ex-Mahdi Army fighters


Five reported killed in arson attack in southeastern Iran

Moro Islamic Liberation Front claims to rescue a foreign national in Philippines

US-Philippine cooperation against Abu Sayyaf considered a model


Eight people were killed and more than 50 were injured during fighting between government troops and Hizbul Islam in Mogadishu. Five policemen were killed and five civilians were wounded in an IED attack in Mogadishu. Ethiopian troops are conducting an operation in the mountains in Hiran province.