Monthly Archives: June 2009


The anti-Syrian March 14 coalition won a decisive victory over Hezbollah’s March 8 coalition. March 14 won 70 of 128 seats in parliament in a national election that saw very little violence. International observers said the elections were fair.


Tribes in Dir killed 13 Taliban fighters while thousands of tribal fighters surrounded 300 more Taliban. Security forces killed four Taliban in Swat and killed two civilians for violating a curfew in Mardan, and detained a senior Taliban bomber in Karachi. Clashes in Karachi killed 13 people. The Taliban killed a relative of a member […]


The ex-trade minister accused of corruption has been released on bail. Security forces detained five insurgents near Basrah and two more in Fallujah. A policeman was wounded in an IED attack in Fallujah.


US and Afghan forces killed 20 Taliban fighters in a battle in Zabul province; five policemen, four security guards, and another Taliban fighter were killed in clashes throughout the country. The commander of the Tora Bora Military Front was reportedly arrested in Peshawar. Gulbudin Hekmatyar denied talks with the government.


An Abu Sayyaf commander, Alimari Alamirul, was killed in fighting in Basilan province. After three days of intense fighting that culminated in the capture of a Moro Islamic Liberation Front camp, 30 rebel fighters have been killed and twenty wounded in Maguindanao province.


Reports indicate 123 people were killed in the battle between the pro-government Ahla Sunna Waljamaca and Shabaab and Hizbul Islam in the town of Wahbo. An Ahla Sunna Waljamaca spokesman said Hizbul Islam leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys was killed in the fighting, but Hizbul Islam denied the report.


Two senior TNSM leaders and a soldier were killed in a Taliban ambush in Malakand. A suicide bomber killed two policemen in Islamabad. Locals in Dir killed four Taliban. Security forces detained 60 Taliban fighters at refugee camps and eight more in Mohmand, and captured four terrorists in Lahore and Kohat.


US troops have pulled out of 80 pct of bases in Iraqi cities


The Afghan government has spent only $6 billion out of $38 billion in international donations. Three civilians were killed in a suicide attack in the Spin Boldak district of Kandahar province. Nine Taliban fighters and one ISAF soldier were killed during fighting throughout the country. Security forces found a large cache of narcotics and weapons, […]


One policeman was killed and four more were wounded in a bombing in Fallujah. An Iraqi soldier was killed in a bombing in Diyala. Three Fallujah policemen and a Ramadi police chief were wounded during separate attacks in Anbar. Security forces detained six wanted men in Basrah and four Jaish al Islam fighters in Diyala.


Resistance will go on, Islamic nation won™t buy US speeches – Sadr


Indian police detain Kashmiri leader Yasin Malik