Monthly Archives: June 2009


In Ghor province, a Coalition airstrike killed a Taliban leader with links to Iran’s Qods Force; the strike also killed 16 other fighters. In Uruzgan province, 30 Taliban fighters and two policemen were killed during three days of fighting. The Afghan Army killed five Taliban fighters and two more in Kunar province. In Kunduz yesterday, […]


Terrorists killed 26 civilians in a car bomb attack in Nasariyah. Two insurgents were killed while planting an IED in Huwaiyja. Security forces detained seven gunmen in Baqubah, five wanted men in Diyala, and two more two in Wasit. The Naqshabandiya group claimed it shot down a Predator. The government will press ahead with a […]


The representative of the General Mission of the Caucasus Emirate has denied claims of Doku Umarov’s death, calling them Russian fabrications. One officer died in a shootout with insurgents in Dagestan. A top judge was assassinated in Ingushetia; this high-profile killing follows closely after the assassination of Dagestan’s interior minister on June 5.


Hope for British hostages in Iraq after release of Shia militant


Kamsa Limaya, an Abu Sayyaf leader, was arrested on June 4 at a checkpoint in Basilan in connection with kidnappings in 2008. An Army soldier was killed and two were wounded in Maguindanao when their truck hit a land mine placed by Moro Islamic Liberation Front fighters. The Army also accused MILF of contaminating a […]


Iranian cleric slams Ahmadinejad ‘fabrications™

Questions and answers – Thailand’s insurgency

Echoes of Tamil Tigers in Philippine insurgency


Gates to meet with allies on Afghanistan, wants progress within a year


Yemeni prosecutors are demanding the death penalty for 11 Yemenis, four Syrians, and a Saudi currently on trial for carrying out 13 strikes against oil facilities, foreign tourists, and government institutions over the past two years. The verdict is expected on July 13.


German intelligence believes al Qaeda will attempt to strike inside the country and against Germans overseas prior to the upcoming national election scheduled for Sept. 27. The North Africa-based al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has been tasked with carrying out the strikes.


A Taliban assault team killed 11 people in a complex suicide attack on a hotel in Peshawar. The Pakistani military killed 20 Taliban fighters during an operation in Bannu, killed 27 Taliban fighters in Dir and Swat, and detained the Swat emir of the TNSM in Peshawar. The Taliban killed three people in attacks in […]

Al Qaeda

Abu Haakim, a bodyguard for Osama bin laden, was killed, possibility during fighting against Coalition forces in Afghanistan, according to a martyrdom release published by Elif Media on Turkish jiahdi websites. The statement was not clear about the circumstances of Abu Haakim’s death.