Monthly Archives: June 2009


The military said 35 Taliban fighters were killed in Bannu and the Frontier Corps fort in Jani Khel was retaken. Seven Taliban fighters and six civilians were killed during airstrikes against Baitullah Mehsud in South Waziristan. One policeman and a civilian were killed in an IED attack in Kohat. Security forces detained 12 Taliban fighters […]

Al Qaeda

Adam Gadahn, the American-born al Qaeda propagandist, released a 35-minute-long videotape called “Let’s Continue Our Jihad and Sacrifice.” Gadahn accused President Obama of supporting Israel’s assault in Gaza and warned the Muslim world not to be tricked by Obama’s “deceptive and false talk.”


Interior Minister Sadeq Mahsouli said that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won the presidential election in a landslide with more than 62 percent of the vote. Westerners said the vote was rigged by Iran’s mullahs.


A suicide bomber killed five soldiers and four drivers in an attack ona NATO fuel convoy in Helmand province. A British soldier was killed during fighting in Helmand. Afghan and Coalition forces detained a Taliban commander and killed one fighter during a raid in the Sharana district in Paktika province.


Security forces detained 30 wanted men in Basrah and six more in Maysan, and captured three Special Groups fighters in Wasit, one in Baghdad, and another in Basrah. One US soldier was killed and three more were wounded while defusing an IED in Samarra. Two Iraqi police were wounded in an IED attack in Kirkuk.


The Taliban took credit for suicide attacks that killed 11 people, including an anti-Taliban cleric, at mosques in Lahore and Nowshera. Thirty-nine Taliban fighters and ten soldiers were killed in Swat; 21 Taliban fighters were killed in Bannu. Twelve Taliban and two soldiers were killed during fighting in Mohmand. The Taliban killed four policemen in […]


Eight Abu Sayaaf fighters and two soldiers were killed during a raid on a terrorist camp in the southern province of Sulu. Abu Sayyaf leader Albader Parad, who is said to be behind the kidnapping of Red Cross workers, was among 13 wounded. President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo said the government is prepared for a new round […]


IRNA, Iran’s state-run news agency, said President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is leading the presidential election with 66 percent of the vote, with more than 68 percent of the votes counted so far. Mir Hossein Moussavi, the so-called reform candidate, has 31 percent of the vote.

United States

American Muslims in Minneapolis are protesting the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ attempts to obstruct an FBI investigation into the disappearance of Somali youth. Dozens of young Somali-Americans have traveled to Somalia to fight with al Qaeda-backed Shabaab, and one of them conducted a suicide attack.


Pakistan: Sunni strike to protest against cleric’s murder


Morocco: Women arrested at outlawed Islamist group meeting


Hezbollah retains strong support despite opposition defeat in polls


The Lahore High Court said there is no evidence linking Hafiz Saeed, the leader of the Lashkar-e-Taiba, to the September 2008 terror assault on the Indian city of Mumbai. “The Attorney General contended that the petitioners are being blamed to be involved in Mumbai attacks, we have observed that not a single document has been […]


Insurgents assassinated Hareth al Ubeidi, a Sunni member of parliament, during an attack inside a mosque in Yarmuk, southwest of Baghdad. The attacker shot Ubeidi, then detonated his suicide vest during the escape, killing several bodyguards. Security forces detained four wanted men in Suwayra and two arms dealers in Diyala.


US Defense Secretary said Iran is “playing a bit of double game in Afghanistan” by arming the Taliban. NATO ministers back the US plan to shake up the command structure in Afghanistan and give more control to the US. A British soldier was killed in an IED attack in Kandahar province. Afghan and Coalition forces […]