Monthly Archives: May 2009


Suicide bombers in Baghdad and Kirkuk killed twenty Iraqis, including eight Awakening fighters, and wounded 33 more. Security forces detained 21 wanted men in Basrah and three Iranian and one Iraqi Special Groups operative in Wasit.

United States

Three Americans and a Haitian immigrant who vowed to wage jihad were arrested for planting fake explosives outside of a Jewish temple and a center in Riverdale, New York, and for plotting to shoot down airplanes. The Obama administration is considering trying Guantanamo Bay detainee Ahmed Ghailani in a federal court in New York City […]


The US Department of Defense confirmed Iran has successfully tested a a medium range ballistic missile that can reach Israel, southeastern Europe, and US bases in the Middle East. The US State Department said a nuclear arms race in the Middle East and beyond will follow Iran’s acquisition of a nuclear weapon.


A 78-year-old woman and her 62-year-old daughter-in-law were murdered and their bodies burned in Pattani province in a drive-by shooting blamed on Muslim separatists. A soldier was wounded by an improvised explosive device when he arrived at the scene to investigate the crime. On Tuesday, militants ambushed an Army patrol in Pattani province, killing two […]


Pakistan multiplying nuclear weapons, increasing their destructive power

Abu Sayyaf suspects who hid in Malaysia arrive in Manila

Muslim leaders fear terrorist attacks will increase in Philippines

Teachers often a target in Thailand’s southern provinces


The military said it killed 80 Taliban fighters in Buner and 16 more in Swat, and claimed to have advanced in both districts. Swatis took eight Taliban fighters hostage in Kalam. Security forces detained three Uzbeks as they traveled to Swat.


Thirty-five Iraqis were killed and 72 more were wounded in a car bomb attack outside a restaurant in the Shia neighborhood of Shula in Baghdad. Two Iraqi soldiers were killed in an IED attack in Mosul. The military claimed Islamic State of Iraq leader Abu Omar al Baghdadi was a member of the local council […]


Shabaab leader Sheikh Muktar Abdirahman Godane was reportedly wounded during a May 18 blast in Mogadishu that killed 17 Shabaab fighters, including four foreigners. Shabaab killed three civilians in a mortar attack on an African Union base in Mogadishu and formed an Islamic administration in Jowhar. Government ministers and warlords have declared war on Shabaab.

Al Qaeda

July 7 leader Sidique Khan encountered security services 10 times before bombings


Police killed 13 Taliban fighters in Wardak province. A suicide car bomber killed three policemen and wounded 10 more in a attack inside the police headquarters in the Arghandab district in Kandahar province. A Coalition airstrike accidentally killed eight civilians during an attack on a Taliban position in Helmand province. A US soldier and a […]

United States

The US Senate has voted to bar detainees held at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp in Cuba from being transferred to the United States for detention or release. Ninety senators voted to keep the detainees out of the US and only six senators voted against the measure.


President Ahmadinejad claimed the military has tested a missile that can reach Israel, southeastern Europe, and US bases in the Middle East. The US military denied Iranian claims that the US is training Kurdish rebels to attack inside northwestern Iran. Italy’s foreign minister canceled a visit to Iran.

IAF bombs Gaza targets in retaliation for Kassam attack