Monthly Archives: May 2009


The military said 17 Taliban fighters have been killed in the initial assault on Mingora in Swat, and 33 foreign fighters were detained in Darra Adam Khel. The Taliban sent threatening letters to the president, prime minister, and other political figures, and bombed a school in Mohmand. Police in Rawalpindi are on alert for attacks […]

US relies more on allies in questioning terror suspects


Iraq PM slams law pardoning mainly Sunni prisoners


Security forces detained seven cell members of a group called the Palestinian Islamic Army. The seven men were behind the February attack in a Cairo bazaar that killed a French teenager. The Egyptian Interior Ministry said the group received orders from Gaza and has links to al Qaeda.


Afghan and US forces have killed more than 60 Taliban fighters since an operation began in the town of Marja in the Now Zad district in Helmand province. Afghan national police captured a Taliban commander and killed two fighters in Ghazni province. A British soldier was killed in the Sangin district in Helmand province.


Joint counterterror operations are underway for the first time in years in Ingusetia, Chechnya, and Dagestan. Security forces are chasing a gang of militants along the Chechen-Ingush border, possibly led by Chechen warlord Dokku Umarov. One militant was killed along the same border. A deputy leader was killed in Dagestan’s capital.


More than 45 people were killed after Somali government forces attacked Shabaab and Hizbul Islam forces in an effort to retake control in Mogadishu. Hassan Dahir Aweys said Eritrea supports the Islamist insurgency and few Arabs are fighting alongside Shabaab. The African Union has called for sanctions on Eritrea for backing Shabaab and Hizbul Islam.


Security forces detained 51 wanted men in Basrah and five more in Diyala; US troops detained four insurgents in Dalouiya. Four policemen were wounded in separate attacks in Mosul. One American civilian was killed in a rocket attack on the Green Zone in Baghdad.


Two Americans killed in separate attacks in Baghdad’s Green Zone


Pak needs to do more for safety of nuclear weapons: US military official


A suicide bomber killed 10 civilians in Peshawar. Thirty-six Taliban fighters, three soldiers, and two policemen were killed during fighting in Swat and Dir. Four people were killed during rioting in Karachi. Police detained 28 Taliban fighters in Kohat.


Somali Britons with jihad training pose terrorist risk


Afghanistan seeks 400,000-strong force to relieve Western troops

Thai Deputy PM: Efforts to end insurgency have not failed