Monthly Archives: May 2009


The Taliban took credit for a series of suicide and armed attacks against government buildings in Khost province that killed 20 people. Afghan and Coalition forces killed five Taliban fighters and wounded six more in Herat province, and detained two more in Kunduz, two in Helmand, and one in Kunar. More than 30 girls in […]


A car bombing killed 11 Iraqis in Kirkuk. One Iraqi soldier was killed in an insurgent attack in Mosul and six soldiers were wounded in an IED attack near Baqubah. A police major was assassinated in Baghdad. Security forces detained seven wanted men in Amarah and two more in Maysan, and detained three suicide bombers […]

Philippine troops clash with Abu Sayyaf: No sign of Italian hostage


The National Court convicted two Moroccans, an Algerian, and a Spaniard for aiding in the March 2004 Madrid train bombings that killed 191 people. The maximum sentence imposed was nine years in prison. Ten other suspects who were accused of helping four bombers flee the police were acquitted.

US strikes again in South Waziristan

Eight Taliban and al Qaeda fighters are reported to have been killed in the latest airstrike against al Qaeda and Taliban compounds in the Taliban-controlled tribal agency. Of the 18 strikes in Pakistan this year, 10 have occurred in South Waziristan.


Twenty-five Abu Sayyaf fighters and five government officials were killed during fighting on Jolo island. Abu Sayyaf fighters started the fighting after ambushing and murdering the chief superintendent and four of his men. Police and government forces pursued the Abu Sayyaf fighters, who are said to be holding the last Red Cross worker hostage.

Al Qaeda in Iraq

The Islamist State of Iraq denied its leader Abu Omar al Baghdadi was captured by Iraqi forces. Al Faloja, a jihadist website, claimed Baghdadi will release an audiotape. The government claimed Baghdadi’s real name is Ma™ad Ibrahim Muhammad.

US journalist freed by Iran, reunites with parents


The military claimed 52 Taliban fighters were killed during fighting in Swat; US officials called the military casualty numbers “wildly exaggerated.” President Zardari said the Army will defeat the Taliban with the people™s support; only 45 percent of Pakistanis support the military operation in the northwest. Two more Army divisions may be deployed to the […]


Ten Somalis were killed and 50 more were wounded during heavy shelling and fighting in Mogadishu. Shabaab is sending weapons and fighters to support Islamists in Mogadishu. Sheikh Yusuf Indhoaade backtracked on an agreement to support the government and has turned his weapons over to Shabaab.

US special forces in Philippines focus on terrorist safe havens


Al Qaeda has “reactivated” the ratlines from Syria that funnel suicide bombers and other foreign fighters into Iraq. The network was severely damaged after the US conducted a cross-border raid into Syria that killed Abu Ghadiya, the chief facilitator, and much of his staff in October 2008.


A US soldier murdered five other troopers in a shooting at a counseling center at Camp Liberty in Baghdad. A US soldier was killed in an IED attack in Basrah. Two civilians were killed in an IED attack in Kirkuk and one policeman was killed in an attack in Mosul. Security forces detained 20 wanted […]


General McChrystal will replace General McKiernan as the senior most commander in Afghanistan; McKiernan was asked to resign by Defense Secretary Gates. The Afghan parliament wants to pass a law to place restrictions on foreign troops to prevent civilian casualties.


Iraq militant group’s pipeline through Syria revives after long gap


The military claimed 150 Taliban fighters were killed in Shangla and 60 more were killed in Swat. The Taliban destroyed a headquarters of the Dir Levies and killed one Malakand Levies officer and captured three others. The military claimed 26 Taliban were killed and another 14 were wounded after troops repelled an assault in Mohmand, […]


A major offensive against al Qaeda in the Sahel region has been postponed. Amari Saifi, a former senior leader in the now-defunct Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat who is better known as Abderazak El Para, urged members of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb to end the fighting.