Monthly Archives: May 2009


The military said 11 Taliban fighters and four soldiers were killed as troops secured Peochar in Swat. The Taliban ordered politicians in the Malakand Division to resign their offices or their families would be killed. Jamaat-ud-Dawa is running relief camps in the Malakand Division.


A town mayor and at least three security personnel were wounded when Abu Sayyaf militants exploded a bomb-rigged motorcycle near the convoy of Sulu Governor Sakur Tan on Jolo island. The military bombed Moro Islamic Liberation Front positions in Maguindanao province after a clash broke out between the Army and hundreds of MILF fighters.


US, UK officials take aim at Hezbollah’s weapons during Security Council debate


US reporter in Iran ‘held secret report on Iraq War’


Iranian militia kill five rebels near border: report


At least 113 people have been killed during the last five days of fighting in Mogadishu. Shabaab said the Somali government is no longer Islamic and called foreign fighters their “brothers.” The US will provide African Union peacekeepers with $10 million in funding.


Security forces detained 34 insurgents in Diyala, 18 in Fallujah, and 11 more in Dalouiya. An Awakening leader was killed in a bombing in Baghdad. Five Iraqis were wounded in a car bombing in Mosul and three policemen were wounded in an IED attack in Kirkuk.


A suicide car bomber killed seven civilians in an attack outside a US base in Khost province. Six Taliban fighters were killed after rocketing a US base in Paktika province. The Taliban killed one Afghan soldier in Wardak province and wounded six Afghan soldiers during an ambush in Ghazni province.


Dokku Umarov, Emir of the Caucasus Emirate, announced the abolishment of North Ossetia and now considers it annexed into the more turbulent Ingusetia republic. Umarov stated that Ossetian mujahideen are now under the command of the Ingush Walid (Magas) and both areas are to be a single operational field. Dokku declared formation of Majlis al-Shura […]


US military, Pakistan carrying out Predator drone missions together


Nasser al Wahishi, the leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, declared support for the rebels in southern Yemen. “We in the al Qaeda network support what you are doing: your rejection of oppression practised against you and others, your fight against the government and your defending yourself,” Wahishi said in a propaganda tape.

Al Qaeda

A “highly placed Pakistani intelligence source” claimed that Ayman al Zawahiri, al Qaeda’s second in command, is hiding out in the suburbs of the city of Quetta in Pakistan. Zawahiri reportedly operates in the open and moves around between Afghanistan, Quetta, and Waziristan, guarded by his Egyptian bodyguard.


Police in Bari reportedly detained two men suspected of being in an al Qaeda cell that was plotting attacks in France and Britain. The Syrian and Frenchman are said to have been in the possession of weapons and explosives, established a recruitment center, and set up training camps to funnel suicide bombers and fighters into […]

Al Qaeda in Iraq

The Islamic State of Iraq released a 12 minute audiotape titled ‘Lying Agents’ by its leader Abu Omar al Baghdadi, who mocks the government for claiming he is detention. Baghdadi denigrated the Shia as liars, claimed his group’s attacks on Iranians forced Iran to close its border, and said his followers would achieve victory in […]


A US airstrike killed eight Taliban and al Qaeda fighters in South Waziristan. Pakistani commandos were airdropped into the Taliban controlled Peochar valley in Swat. The military killed 30 Taliban fighters in Dir; the Taliban claimed only 12 fighters have been killed since the operation began. The Taliban attacked a NATO truck terminal in Peshawar […]