Monthly Archives: May 2009


A US strike in North Waziristan killed more than 25 Taliban fighters. A car bomb killed 11 people in Peshawar. The military claimed that 47 Taliban fighters were killed during fighting in Swat, Shangla, and Buner, six were killed in Khyber, and four were detained in Mardan. The defense minister said the operation in the […]


Fifty Moro Islamic Liberation Front fighters raided a remote village in Sultan Kudarat province, captured twenty villagers, burned homes, and stole farm animals while they used the civilians as human shields against pursuing Army troops. Although MILF peacefully released the hostages after making an escape, an Army official cited the attack as evidence that the […]

Uncertain fate for Red Cross worker held by Abu Sayyaf


Sixteen people were killed as Shabaab and Ahlu Sunna Waljama battled for control over the town of Wabho in central Somalia. The Islamic Courts’ governor of Hiran survived two IED attacks in Beletwein, the provincial capital of Hiran. A curfew has been imposed in Beletwein.


Three policemen and two Taliban fighters were killed during fighting in Farah province. The Taliban killed three civilians praying at a mosque during a rocket attack launched from Pakistan. Afghan and US forces detained eight Taliban fighters in Paktika province, killed one Taliban fighter and detained one more in Khost province, and detained a Taliban […]


US and Iraqi forces detained three members of Abu Khalaf’s Syrian-based facilitation network operating in northern Iraq. Iraqi forces detained two Naqshabandiya group members in Makhmour. Four Iraqis were killed in two IED attacks in Baghdad. A US soldier was killed in an IED attack in Basrah.

Militant ‘bomb maker’ arrested in Bangladesh


(Pakistan) Power supply suspended in Bajaur for last six days


Pakistan – ‘Taliban want sharia for material gains™


The military claimed to have killed 55 Taliban fighters, including a TNSM shura member, in the northwest and three more in Mohmand. The government rejected talks with the TNSM. Three terrorists were detained in Lahore. More than 1.1 million internally displaced persons have registered in Pakistan’s northwest.


Pak govt controls just 38% of Taliban-infested NWFP: Survey


The UN said there are more than 300 foreign fighters working with Shabaab in Somalia. The US accused Eritrea of “fanning the flames of violence” in Somalia. Sixteen Somalis were killed during fighting between Shabaab and Ahlu Sunna Waljamaca in Mahas and Wabho. Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys rejected offers from the government to end the […]