Monthly Archives: March 2009


Fifteen Somalis, including three civilians, were killed during fighting between Shabaab and Ahlu Sunna Waljama™a in the town of Wabho in central Somalia. The police have banned weapons in Mogadishu. Shabaab has reopened Hawalas in Kismayo.

The Taliban

The Taliban threatened to kill workers for non-governmental organizations operating in Afghanistan and said girls’ schools will not be allowed to operate. “Taliban aren’t allowing girls to go to schools because Taliban want women to preserve their respect by staying in their homes, not to work as laborers for others,” a Taliban spokesman said.


Four tourists were killed and three more were wounded in a powerful blast in the city of Al Shibam. The four tourists killed were South Koreans, while the nationality of those wounded is unknown.


A US airstrike in Bannu killed two al Qaeda operatives and two Taliban fighters. The Taliban destroyed dozens of NATO trucks and shipping containers in an attack on a terminal in Peshawar. The government restored the chief justice deposed by former President Musharraf.


Taliban threatens Pakistani singers and actors with death

Thai insurgency: Seeing it for what it is


Muslim terrorists threw a petrol bomb at a school in Narathiwat province, setting it on fire. The attack sparked a brief gunbattle with government troops. Muslim terrorists also torched two schools in Pattani province.


President Talabani will step down from office after his term expires at the end of the year. Security forces detained 36 wanted men in Basrah, five in Hillah, and four more in Wasit, as well as four al Qaeda fighters in Baqubah and one near Samarra. Four members of the Kurdistan Workers Party were killed […]


Four NATO troops were killed in an IED attack in eastern Afghanistan. Two Afghans were killed in a suicide attack in Kabul. The mayor of Kandahar survived a suicide attack that killed one civilian. One British soldier was killed in an IED attack in Helmand province.


As the government claims to seek reconciliation with Nawaz Sharif, 100 lawyers and 20 of Sharif’s followers were arrested, and house arrest orders were approved for Sharif and two other political leaders. The Taliban destroyed more than 20 NATO vehicles in a rocket attack on a terminal in Peshawar. The Taliban in Darra Adam Khel […]


At least two security guards of the Wadjir District commissioner have been killed, and seven other people, including the district commissioner, have been injured, by a roadside bomb that targeted his car. Sheik Mohamed Muhumad Isma™il stated an order to the people of Barre to legalize their guns.

Al Qaeda

In his latest audiotape released on the Internet, Osama bin Laden accused Arab leaders of conspiring with the West against Muslims and the Palestinian people. “The hearts of our rulers [Muslim leaders] are like those of the enemies, ” bin Laden said.


Two Iraqi soldiers were killed in a bombing in Diyala and one policewoman was killed in a shootout in Mosul. Security forces detained 41 wanted men in Baghdad, 40 more in Basrah, and three Egyptians in Babil.


Police have filed sedition charges against nine of 15 members of the Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir for involvement in the border guards’ revolt. Immigration police arrested a suspected member of Jamaat Mujahideen Bangladesh as he attempted to enter the country from India.

Insurgents torch two schools in Thailand’s south


America angered by Britian’s ‘secret’ talks with Hezbollah

Russian region tries new tactics to quell insurgency


President Zardari ordered Geo News to shut down for broadcasting the Long March; the information minister resigned in protest. Yesterday’s strike in Kurram killed 24 Taliban and al Qaeda fighters. The Taliban killed two “US spies” in Arakzai and beheaded three tribesmen in Bajaur. An official in the Northwest Frontier Province advocates including Taliban fighters […]

United States

The Obama administration has radically altered US policy on detentions. The new policy “draws on the international laws of war to inform the statutory authority conferred by Congress,” the Justice Department said. “It provides that individuals who supported Al Qaeda or the Taliban are detainable only if the support was substantial. And it does not […]


Dutch police detained six men and one woman who were plotting terrorists attacks in Amsterdam. “Men were planning to put explosives in the shops and wanted to cause casualties in busy places,” the city’s mayor said. One of those detained is related to one of Madrid bombers.