Monthly Archives: March 2009


Iraqi troops ‘ready to take over Basra’


Sharia courts have opened in Swat while civil courts have ceased activity. The Taliban killed three policeman in Dir and beheaded a “spy” in Peshawar. Security forces killed four Taliban fighters in Mohmand and detained a suicide bombing cell leader in Charsadda.


Iranian influence, terrorist links, threaten Latin American security


Jordanian terrorists get more than two decades in jail for bomb plot


A Yemeni security official said the suicide bomber behind the March 16 attack that killed four South Korean tourists was trained in Somalia. Abdel Rahman Mehdi al Aajbari left his home in Yemen two months ago and wrote a letter to his family telling them they would never see him again.


For the second day in a row, Philippine marines battled Abu Sayaff terrorists holding three Red Cross workers hostage on Jolo island. At least six terrorists have been killed and 19 marines have been wounded. The fate of the hostages was uncertain.


Young Marine recalls life-changing experiences at COP Karama


Shabaab claimed victory over the Ahlu Sunna Waljamaca in central Somalia after two days of fighting that claimed 25 lives. Shabaab ordered the assassination of members of parliament for “aiding the enemy.” Gunmen freed four UN aid workers after kidnapping them in southwestern Somalia.


Iraqis are overwhelmingly positive about the security situation, the future, and prospects for democracy. Iraqi forces detained 57 wanted men in Basrah, 16 al Qaeda fighters in Diyala, 12 Naqshabandiya group members in Kirkuk, and four members of a “murder gang” and two wanted men in Amarah. Iraq’s defense minister said the military will focus […]


Russia™s Foreign Minister announced that Russian territory could be used as support routes by NATO. An Australian soldier was killed in a firefight with the Taliban in Uruzgan province. Coalition forces killed seven insurgents in a raid on a bomb-making facility in Kandahar province.


Al Qaeda bomber behind Yemen attack trained in Somalia


President reinstates Justice Iftikhar as Chief Justice of Pakistan


Pakistan: Alleged suicide bomber among 3 held in Charsadda


A suicide bomber killed 14 Pakistanis and wounded 17 more in an attack outside a restaurant in Rawalpindi. The Taliban attacked a trucking terminal in Peshawar and destroyed more than 30 trucks and containers. Sufi Mohammed told judges in the Malakand division not to show up in courtrooms.


The interior minister blamed al Qaeda in Yemen for the roadside bomb attack in Hadramot province that killed four South Korean tourists and wounded three others. Security forces detained 12 Islamists suspected of being connected to the attack.


Iran’s Khatami withdraws from presidential vote: allies


The Taliban denied it was conducting peace talks with the government. A suicide bomber killed nine policemen and two civilians in an attack on a police headquarters in Helmand province. Two British soldiers were killed on March 15. Coalition forces detained a Taliban leader in Logar province.


The US military and the Iraqi military both confirmed that an Iranian UAV was shot down east of Baghdad in late February. Iraqi forces detained 103 wanted men during a sweep in Basrah and five more in Kirkuk, and a policeman in Maysan. A US soldier was killed in Baghdad.


US military confirms it shot down Iranian drone


Dramatic advances sweep Iraq, boosting support for democracy