Monthly Archives: March 2009


US troop withdrawal through Turkey may get PM’s OK


The Coalition of Mareb and Al Jawf Tribes Council warned against US military action in the country and said a backlash might follow against US interests worldwide. “There are no shelters and camps to house and train al Qaeda militants in the four Yemeni provinces,” the statement said, noting that such accusations are “politically motivated […]


The government released 14 more Taliban prisoners in Swat. The Taliban ordered NGOs to leave Swat, forced the closure of a family planning center in Dir, bombed a girls’ school in Mardan, and fired rockets at a police station in Dera Ismail Khan. The military destroyed two extremist hideouts in Khyber.


Shabaab’s information minister in Kismayo welcomed Osama bin Laden’s call to overthrow the new government and said Shabaab will maintain links with al Qaeda. Hawiye clan leaders, prominent clerics, and the government’s information minister rejected the call for more foreign troops to be deployed in Somalia. The government denied reports that soldiers surrendered to Shabaab.


US and Afghan troops killed five Taliban fighters in Kunduz; the town mayor claimed five civilians were killed. Two ISAF soldiers were killed in southern Afghanistan. One civilian contract worker was killed and six were wounded in a rocket attack on Kandahar Air Field. Afghan troops detained 22 Taliban fighters in Kandahar province.


Insurgents killed four Iraqi soldiers in Khanaqin, one soldier in Mosul, and shot one policemen in Babil. Iraqi security forces detained33 insurgents in Huweija, 27 wanted men in Karbala, seven in Baghdad, and four more in Dhi Qhar, an an ISCI official in Diyala.

Shabaab leader admits links to al Qaeda

The information minister for Shabaab in the southern Somali city of Kismayo welcomed Osama bin Laden’s call to remove Somalia’s new president and said the group would continue its links to al Qaeda.


The Moro Islamic Liberation Front was blamed for bomb attacks on a market and a bus company in North Cotabato province, injuring at least seven and damaging two buses. The EU offered to mediate peace talks between the Philippine government and MILF insurgents.

Philippine President Arroyo and Tony Blair to discuss peace talks with MILF


US missile strikes take heavy toll on Al Qaeda, officials say


In Iraq, chaos feared as US closes prison


US Envoy Richard Holbrooke said US and NATO troops would not cross into Pakistan to fight the Taliban. Security forces detained 25 members of Lashkar-e-Islam in Khyber. The government released six Taliban leaders in Swat. The Taliban forced the closure of more than a hundred CD shops in Mardan.


Odierno: Iraq elections key to getting legitimate leaders


Suicide and roadside bombs in Nangarhar, Khost, and Kandahar provinces killed two policemen and nine Afghans. Canadian and Afghan troops completed a large clearing operation in Kandahar province. The US is looking to quickly increase the size of the Afghan police forces.


Iraqi forces killed two insurgents in Mosul, and captured 10 al Qaeda fighters in Baqubah and three wanted men in Maysan. Insurgents killed an Awakening fighter in Babil, and wounded a police chief in Tikrit and four civilians in Baghdad.

Hostage release talks fail with Abu Sayyaf in Philippines


Hope for the swift release of a Red Cross worker held captive by Abu Sayaff has faded, despite movement of Philippine troops away from Abu Sayaff positions. A Philippine government panel is preparing for the continuance of peace talks with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.


Iran to US: You change, our behavior will change

Southern Russia clashes kill five soldiers, 14 rebels


Pakistan: Security forces arrest 31 suspects in Khyber Agency


The Taliban ambushed a military convoy in Swat after the government released 16 Taliban fighters. Baluchistan’s governor said Mullah Omar is not in the province. Security forces imposed a curfew in Landi Kotal in Khyber after a Taliban attack on a military base killed 10 and wounded 41.