Monthly Archives: March 2009


Sufi Mohammed threatened to scuttle the Malakand Accord. Jaish-e-Mohammed continues to operate madrassas in Bahawalpur despite the group’s being banned. The Taliban in Waziristan said the cell phone service being set up will be used to to spy on them. A tribal lashkar in Bajaur freed six Taliban fighters.


Ayman al Zawahiri told the Sudanese people to prepare for “a long guerrilla war” with the “crusaders” and called on President Omar al Bashir to “repent” for shunning jihad. “So will the Bashir regime take the path of Islam and jihad and abandon the political maneuvers, diplomatic ruses and international smooth-talking, which has not — […]


A policeman was killed in Mosul. Three civilians were wounded in a bombing in Baghdad. Security forces detained 13 wanted men in Baghdad and two more in Maysan, six al Qaeda fighters in Diyala, and four members of the Soldiers of Heaven cult in Hillah. Police arrested four suspects in yesterday’s deadly suicide bombing in […]


Seventeen terrorists and eight Indian troops, including a major, were killed during five days of fighting in Jammu and Kashmir™s Kupwara district. The army claimed that a large group of heavily armed fighters have been surrounded in the Shamswari forest.


Two Somalis were killed during rioting that broke out in Bossaso after a cleric named Sheikh Osman was detained by security forces. Uganda has deployed an additional 300 troops to Somalia. An Islamist leader claimed this deployment and others totaling up to 1,820 new soldiers were made “secretly.”


A bombing at a mosque in Uruzgan province killed a prayer leader. Afghan troops killed six Taliban fighters in Helmand province. US troops accidentally killed a civilian in an escalation of force incident in Logar province. Poland will send an additional 400 troops to Afghanistan.


Pakistan: India involved in attack against Sri Lankan cricket team, report claims


Kurdish rebels: We won’t stop fighting in Iraq


Under intense public criticism, the military halted operations against Abu Sayyaf hostage-takers on Jolo Island after a week-long offensive aimed at freeing three Red Cross hostages failed. A senator asked other politicians to stay out of negotiations for the release of the hostages.

Former hostage: Abu Sayyaf does not fear military


Disarm or leave, Iraq’s Talabani tells PKK


A suicide bomber killed one policeman in an attack on a Special Branch station in Islamabad. Intelligence indicates Baitullah Mehsud has dispatched more than 20 Uzbek suicide bombers to Pakistan’s major cities. The Taliban murdered two “US spies” in North Waziristan, and bombed a girls’ school in Mardan. Security forces detained nine extremists in Khyber.


Policeman dies in suicide blast at Islamabad police station


Sheikh Omar Iman Abu Bakar was ousted as the leader of Hizbul Islam for breaking the rules of the party; Sheikh Mohamed Hassan Amey is the group’s new leader. Fighters from Hizbul Islam destroyed graves of Sufi Muslims in Bakol as the graves are “un-Islamic.” Somalia™s prime minister regretted the information minister’s call for more […]


Eleven people, including two police officers and a member of a bomb squad, were wounded by two bombs planted by Muslim insurgents at a food market and a coffee shop in Narathiwat province. Four paramilitary troops were killed in an ambush in Pattani province on March 20.


Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair met with President Arroyo to discuss the resumption of peace talks with MILF while the military warned of the possibility of further bombings conducted by MILF in Mindanao. Seventeen Filipino seamen were reported captured by Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden.


Palestinian official killed by car bomb in South Lebanon refugee camp


A Coalition airstrike killed a senior Taliban leader and nine associates in northern Helmand province. President Obama said the US must have an “exit strategy” for Afghanistan. The US and its European allies may seek to bypass President Karzai by creating the post of prime minister.


Twenty-five Iraqis were killed in a suicide attack at a Kurdish funeral in Jalawlaa. One policeman was killed and four policemen and five civilians were wounded in separate suicide bombings in Mosul. Security forces detained 30 insurgents in Maysan, 17 in Basrah, and 12 more in Baghdad, 10 al Qaeda fighters in Diyala, and two […]


Iraq fired 62,000 accused of corruption: Minister


About half Iraqi prisoners ‘dangerous’: US


Pakistani villagers pay a price for defying rebels along Afghan border


DNA profiles of suspected Mumbai terrorists given to Interpol