Monthly Archives: March 2009

Navy releases 9 suspected pirates, citing lack of evidence


Leaders of Arab nomads and Touareg tribes in northern Mali and Niger have called on al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb leader to release the 6 Western hostages immediately, without ransom, and threatened to declare war if the hostages are not released. The terror group’s spokesman reportedly wants to take an amnesty offer. The interior […]


Somali ministers under the former Transitional Federal Government (TFG) handed over official documents to the new ministers of the unity government Monday at a ceremony in the capital, Mogadishu.

Saudi Arabia

A religious scholar in the employ of the state issued a fatwa for the prosecution of a royal prince and a Saudi businessman for owning TV channels that broadcast movies. Six months ago the former head of the kingdom™s highest tribunal said it was legal to kill the owners of satellite TV stations that broadcast […]


Swat peace deal is Pakistan™s internal matter: NATO secretary general


A suicide bomber killed six in an attack in a madrassa in the Pishin district in Baluchistan. The Taliban attacked a police checkpoint in Peshawar and mortared a security forces outpost in North Waziristan. The Swat Taliban released a Frontier Corps officer and five of his men. Al Qaeda threatened to attack Saudi businesses and […]


Iraq Court to sentence MP Mohammed Al Daini in abstentia


NATO may ask China for help with establishing a new supply route into Afghanistan. The UN said it would be nearly impossible to hold elections in April. An explosion that killed three Afghan children in Kandahar was caused by old munitions left by the Taliban and not Canadian troops.


Five Iraqis were killed and 24 others were wounded in a bombing in Khalis. Two Iraqi soldiers were killed in an IED attack in Diyala. A US soldier was killed north of Baghdad. Security forces detained 44 wanted men in Baghdad, and seven more in Mosul.

Taliban violates Swat truce

A Frontier Corps commander and four troops were captured and a military vehicle was attacked. Government bows to demands to implement sharia by March 15 and allow Sufi Mohammed to screen judges.

Philippine government seeks resumption of peace talks with MILF


A US strike killed 8 people, including Arabs and Uzbeks, in South Waziristan. The Taliban killed four security personnel and 10 civilians, and captured two policemen in attacks in Mohmand, Khyber, and Arakzai. Seven Taliban were killed and 15 were captured in Kohat.


President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed said he would give in to Somali clerics’ demands to impose sharia, or Islamic law, throughout the country. The move is designed to placate the Islamist terror groups. The deputy speaker of parliament also welcomed the calls for sharia.


Somali president bends to rebel demand for sharia law


The Taliban murdered a cleric in Spin Boldak in Kandahar province and wounded six Afghans in a suicide car bomb attack in Nangarhar province. President Karzai’s call to move elections up to April sparked criticism from his political opposition. The Independent Election Commission and the US are pushing for a vote in August.


Pakistan Colonel Sadatullah charged in Mumbai attack admits he works for communication company


Security forces detained al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq’s finance minister along with five other fighters in Mosul. Iraqi troops killed a ‘gunman’ in Baghdad, and detained five wanted men in Al Kut, four more in Thi Qhar, and eight al Qaeda operatives in Mosul.