Monthly Archives: March 2009


Pakistani officials are accusing India of being behind the Lahore attack; India’s home minister said the accusations are ‘complete rubbish.’ A cricket official present at the attack said security was suspiciously lax. The Taliban bombed a school in Bajaur.


Iran says it will launch first atom power plant in summer


Two Iraqis were killed and 21 were wounded in a bombing in Mosul. A senior Awakening leader was killed in an IED attack in Balad. Security forces detained 10 wanted men in Baghdad, three in Diyala, and three more in Nasariyah. MNF-I denied rumors that it released two Iranian prisoners.

Philippine security forces prevent MILF bomb attack


Three Canadian soldiers were killed in an IED attack in Kandahar province. A suicide attack outside the Bagram Air Base wounded three US contractors. The minister of the interior said elections would be safer in the summer than in the spring.


The commander-in-chief of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps said his country’s missiles can target Israel’s nuclear facilities. Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei attacked the US for its continuing ‘unconditional’ support of Israel. Saudi Arabia urged Arab countries to unite and stand against Iran.


Indian and US investigators determined the identity of two of the Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives involved in the Mumbai attacks. Abu Al Qama, LeT’s operations chief in India, is Mazhar Iqbal; Zarar Shah, the trainer of the assault team, is Abdul Wajid. LeT had plans to set up an operational base in Colaba in South Mumbai.


A terrorist assault team attacked a convoy transporting the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore. Six police and one civilian were killed, and seven cricketers and 11 policemen were wounded; the attackers escaped. Sixty suspects are being questioned. Sufi Mohammed threatened to end negotiations in Swat, where the Taliban killed two soldiers. Five Shia were […]


Hizbul Islam, a coalition of Islamists groups fighting the Somali government forces and African Union peacekeepers, has rejected a ceasefire offer from President Ahmed. “We will attack the enemy and their stooges anytime we want,” the spokesman for Hizbul Islam said.


AP count: Iraqi deaths hover near lowest level


Key Iraq training units still being developed


Security forces killed 16 al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb during a weekend raid on an enemy base in the town of Bilda, about 50 miles south of the capital of Algiers. The raid was launched based on intelligence information gathered from a cell that was disrupted earlier last week.


Pakistan: Indian expert blames local militants for Lahore attacks


One day after Philippine President Macapagal-Arroyo announced the intention to resume peace negotiations with the Moro Islamic Front (MILF), intense fighting erupted between the Army and the MILF on the island of Mindanao. Two Filipino soldiers were wounded, along with an undetermined number of insurgent causalities.


Iraqi security forces detained 14 wanted men in Sulaimaniya, six in Basrah, five in Baqubah, and four more in Kirkuk. A policeman was killed in Al Kut. The number of detainees in Coalition custody dropped below 14,000.


The US Treasury Department designated 11 companies under Executive Order 13382 as Weapons of Mass Destruction proliferators and froze their assets for their ties to Iran’s Bank Melli. The US, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and China have committed to ‘direct diplomacy’ with Iran over its nuclear program.


In Arab Jabour, troops step aside, serve as ‘enablers™ for the Iraqis