Monthly Archives: March 2009


Iran, militant groups support Sudanese president


Pakistan suspects the Lashkar-e-Taiba was behind the attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore; LeT denied involvement. The Taliban murdered two “US spies” in North Waziristan, killed a political leader in Bannu, and bombed a school in Bajaur.


Shabaab admitted having foreign members and links to al Qaeda, but said it is not part of the global terror group. Shabaab fighters detained more than 70 people during operations in Bardhere. Three civilians were killed in fighting between Burundian troops and Islamist fighters.


Security forces detained 22 insurgents in Basrah and six more in Maysan, three weapons smugglers in Najaf along the Saudi Arabian border, and two Naqshabandiya fighters in Makhmour. Three civilians were wounded in a bombing in Balad Ruz. The Interior minister said al Qaeda in Iraq would not regain its power.


US says Iran expected to be included in Afghan talks


Gunmen who attacked cricketers in Lahore ‘had links to al-Qaeda’


Syria™s delegate to the International Atomic Energy Agency said his country will no longer allow inspection visits. Syria has demanded an end to the investigation of its nuclear program and requested the IAEA inspect Israeli nuclear sites instead.

Judge tosses ex-sailor’s terror-support conviction


The government acceded to further Taliban demands in Swat. Sufi Mohammed asked Mullah Fazlullah to end attacks in Swat and lay down arms. A grenade attack in a mosque in Dera Ismail Khan wounded 25 worshipers. The Taliban bombed a Sufi shrine and CD shops in Mardan, and mortared a police station in Peshawar.


The Israeli Air Force struck smuggling tunnels in Gaza and killed three Islamic Jihad fighters after a Grad rocket attack struck a synagogue in Netivot. Jailed Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti may be part of the deal to free kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.


Thirteen Iraqis were killed and 57 were wounded in a suicide car bomb attack in Hillah. Insurgents killed one policeman in Baghdad and one soldier in Mosul. Security forces detained 16 wanted men in Basrah, seven more in Thi Qhar, and nine al Qaeda fighters in Baqubah.

Philippine government halts pursuit of MILF commanders


Sheik Abduqadir Ali Omar, the former leader of the Islamic Courts Union, has been appointed Minister of the Interior. The minister of fisheries and marine resources, who was a senior official of the Islamic Courts, has declared ‘war’ on the Somali media. Five hundred Burundian peacekeepers have arrived in Mogadishu.


Car bomb in south Iraq livestock market kills 12