Monthly Archives: March 2009


Odierno: No sign Iraqis will ask US to stay


India sends elite commandos to protect embassy in Pakistan


Suicide attack in western Baghdad kills 28


Saddam loyalists reject reconciliation calls


Pakistani officials believe the attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore was carried out by the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. Security forces detained 125 militants in Kohat. The Taliban murdered three “US spies” in South Waziristan and released five soldiers in Bajaur. A court extended the house arrest of Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed.


Fighting between Shabaab and Ahlu Suna Waljama has broken out in Bardhere. Islamic Courts fighters detained five Somalis in Beledweyne. Hizbul Islam vowed to attack African Union peacekeepers. Shabaab publicly flogged four boys accused of rape in Mogadishu. The Elman Human Rights groups said that 7,574 people were killed in Somalia during 2008.


The attack on Syria’s al-Kibar nuclear facility

Philippine military accuses MILF of hiding Abu Sayyaf insurgents


Two Awakening fighters and two policemen were killed, and four policemen were wounded, in attacks in Baghdad, Mosul, and Salahadin. Security forces detained 67 wanted men in Thi Qhar, 25 in central Iraq, and two more in Maysan. Iraqi emergency police have deployed in the Al Qaim region to seal the border with Syria.


The US is considering using Iran as an alternate supply route for its forces in Afghanistan. The Afghan government urged Iran to aid in stabilizing the country. One Canadian soldier was killed and four were wounded in an IED attack in Kandahar.


Sadrist MP demands immediate US troop pullout


Mideast: Hamas ‘arrests’ Islamists for Israeli attacks


The Taliban executed 14 paramilitary troops in Mohmand. The government killed 15 Taliban fighters in Mohmand. The military is searching for an unmanned US Predator strike aircraft thought to have been shot down by the Taliban. Peshawar’s police chief claimed the provincial capital is no longer under threat of a Taliban takeover.


A suicide bomber killed 28 police recruits in central Baghdad. Two US combat brigades, one British combat brigade, and an Air Force F-16 squadron will be withdrawn from Iraq over the next six months. Security forces detained 81 wanted men in Basrah, 12 more in Thi Qhar, and eight al Qaeda fighters in Baqubah.


One Canadian soldier was killed in an IED attack in Kandahar province. A NATO soldier was killed in an IED attack in eastern Afghanistan. Afghan and Coalition forces detained a weapons and explosives supplier during a raid in Logar province. Canadian and US troops conducted an air assault in the Zari district of Kandahar.


Sheik Omar Iman Abu Bakar, the leader of Hizbul Islam, said the new government is powerless just as the old government was. Islamist leader Sheik Yusuf Inda™adde said he would join the government if it implements full sharia. Shabaab has dispatched hundreds of troops to retake the central towns of Guriel and Dhusamareb. A bombing […]


Pakistan: Dead bodies of 14 security men handed over to families


Suicide attack kills 28 at police academy in Iraq


The Taliban claimed to have shot down a US Predator in South Waziristan. Fifteen Pakistanis, including seven policemen, were killed in bombings in Peshawar, Khyber, and Dera Ismail Khan. The bodies of six security personnel were found in Mohmand. Security forces killed 22 Taliban in Arakzai. The government freed 12 Taliban prisoners in Swat.


Somalia: Islamist leader says he will join government if it implements Sharia law


Security forces detained 10 insurgents in Babil, eight al Qaeda fighters in Diyala, and five bomb cell members in Anbar. A US solider was killed during a patrol in Salahadin province. Four civilians were wounded in a bombing in Diyala.


Afghan and Coalition security forces killed 12 Taliban fighters and Haqqani Network operatives, and detained five more during operations in Uruzgan, Kandahar, and Khost provinces. A suicide bomber killed a policeman and a civilian in Nimroz province. President Karzai backed off from a plan to hold elections in April.


A suicide bomber targeted a police barracks in the town of Tizi Ouzou, a stronghold of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. A security guard and a civilian were killed and eight more were wounded in the attack.