Monthly Archives: February 2009


Iran says ready for fair talks, wants real US change

Pakistan unsure over identity of man beheaded in Taliban video


French leader in Iraq to heal rifts, push business


Iraq: Four soldiers killed by suicide car bomber in Iraq


Pakistani Tribal leaders demand end to military operation


Pakistan is likely to say India’s Mumbai dossier was inconclusive. The Taliban killed 14 civilians during shelling in Arakzai, killed a “US spy” in North Waziristan, wounded 18 policemen in a suicide attack in Bannu, and torched a boys’ school in Swat. The government may begin negotiations with the Taliban in Swat. Security forces killed […]


Drone strikes killed high-value targets, US tells Pakistan


Iraq troop withdrawal decisions delayed


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb issued a scathing statement on the case of the US CIA station chief who is accused of drugging and then raping Algerian women. “Is this scandal not an evidence that Bouteflika and his government is no different from his … other brothers the traitor (Muslim) presidents?” the statement said. […]


The assassination of military commander Imad Mugniyah was facilitated by the interrogation of Hezbollah operative Ali Moussa Daqduq, who was captured in Iraq in 2007. The interrogation revealed Mugniyah’s operating habits and close contacts. Israeli intelligence executed the attack after finding out Mugniyah was going to attend a party without his usual security detachment.


Iraqi forces detained 11 wanted men in Hillah, six in Basrah, four in Wasit, and two in Baghdad. Four members of the Naqshabandiya group surrendered to police in Kirkuk. In Mosul, two policemen and a civilian were wounded in a suicide car bombing, and two children were wounded in an IED attack.


Taliban finds fertile recruiting ground in Pakistan’s tribal refugee camps


Deputy to Pakistani Taliban chief injured in remote control bomb blast

Al Qaeda

Four Iraqis who were in custody at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility have been transferred back to Iraq. The four men were captured in Afghanistan and have been interrogated by Iraqi intelligence officials.


Israel warplanes bomb Gaza after rocket attacks


Recruited for jihad? What happened to Mustafa Ali?