Monthly Archives: February 2009


During a press conference at the former parliament hall in Baidoa, Shabaab spokesman Muktar Robow said that President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed is “far from the Mujahideen.” Two Somalis were killed in mortar attacks in Mogadishu. The US Navy captured seven suspected pirates before they could board a freighter.


Five Shia pilgrims were killed and 30 were wounded in an IED attack in Karbala. Four policemen were killed and three more were wounded in an IED attack in Mosul. Security forces detained 14 wanted men in Baghdad, two “Islamic State of Iraq” leaders in Mosul, and five al Qaeda fighters in Diyala.


Afghan troops have deployed throughout the capital of Kabul after yesterday’s Taliban assault. NATO has overcome legal hurdles to target drug kingpins as military targets. One policeman was killed and five more were wounded in a suicide attack in Paktika province.

Al Qaeda

Interrogator: British Gitmo detainee aided in terror probe

Taliban feud over murder of Polish hostage

Baitullah Mehsud wanted to use Polish geologist Piotr Stanczak to negotiate the release of several of his fighters. Qari Hussain Mehsud’s followers beheaded Stanczak after the government refused to free members of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.


Poland: ‘Structure of Pakistani government™ fostering terrorism


Five Taliban fighters and one soldier were killed in Bajaur. The Taliban killed a provincial senator in a bombing in Peshawar, killed a policeman in Lakki Marwat, bombed a police checkpoint in Mianwali, and threatened to destroy all schools in Bajaur if the military did not end operations in the tribal areas.


Four Somalis, including a Shabaab leader, were killed in fighting in Galgadud. The mayor of Mogadishu ordered police and army units to leave the city. The leader of the Abubakar As Saddique mosque in Minneapolis denied being involved with the disappearance of Somali-American men who have joined Shabaab.


Three Taliban teams attacked the Justice and Education ministries and a prisons building in Kabul, killing 19 and wounding more than 50. Seven Taliban fighters were killed in the attack. One ISAF soldier was killed in an IED attack in eastern Afghanistan.


Sixteen Iraqis were killed and 45 were wounded in car bomb attacks at a bus terminal and a market in Baghdad. Three policemen and a soldier were killed in Mosul, and two policemen were killed in Babil. Security forces detained 18 wanted men in Baghdad and nine more in Kirkuk.


Security forces claimed to have killed 50 Taliban in Swat and 11 more in Bajaur. Businessmen in Peshawar are refusing to pay taxes due to the poor security situation. Police claimed to have arrested eight Indian spies in Punjab and Sindh provinces.


Two NATO soldiers were killed in an IED attack in the Khogyani district in Nangahar province. Spain’s foreign minister said there are no plans to send additional troops to Afghanistan. The US said no more than 30,000 troops will be sent as part of a surge in forces.


Four US soldiers were killed in a suicide car bombing in Mosul. One Iraqi policeman was killed and four more were wounded in an IED attack in Diyala province. Iraqi troops detained 10 insurgents in Baghdad and six more in Basrah.


Government forces and Shabaab fighters clashed in Hudur; three were killed. President Sharif said he was ready to practice sharia law. Reports indicate Sharif met with Shabaab spokesman Muktar Robow. Uganda and Burundi are expected to send additional soldiers to Somalia.