Monthly Archives: February 2009


Suspected Thai insurgent killed in gunfight with soldiers


Israel rules out Gaza truce unless soldier freed


IAF hits Gaza weapon-making facilities, smuggling tunnels


Th semi-autonomous region of Puntland has welcomed the appointment of the new Prime Minister. Ethiopian said it would support the new government. Ethiopian troops have withdrawn from the strategic Kala-Beyr crossroads in the central Hiran region


Iraqi security forces captured 20 wanted men in Baghdad, an al Qaeda leader in Kirkuk and 10 fighters in Mosul and Diyala, seven kidnappers in Diyala, and seven wanted men in Basra. Two civilians were killed in an insurgent attack on an Army convoy in Mosul.


The Taliban killed seven Afghan policemen and a district leader during three separate roadside bomb attacks in Khost and Kandahar provinces. Afghan Army commandos captured six Taliban fighters and freed three hostages at a checkpoint in Farah Province.


Pakistan’s defense minister denied that the US is operating Predators from inside the country. President Zardari said force must be used to defeat the Taliban, while Prime Minister Gilani said other measures are required. Security forces killed five Taliban in Swat and captured five suicide bomber in Quetta. The Taliban killed two women in Kohat […]

Al Qaeda

Abu Yahya al Libi, a spokesman and ideologue for al Qaeda, called on Muslims to attack the government of Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, the former Islamic Courts Union leader and current President of Somalia. “Aim your arrows towards them…, direct your battles against them and intensify your campaign against them,” he said.


US offers Moscow concession on missile shield


President Sharif chose Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake to be the new Prime Minister. The Ahlu Sunna Waljamea is backing President Sharif. Ethiopian troops withdrew from Kalaber on the border. A Russian warship captured 10 pirates and seized three ships.


Afghan defense minister and coalition commander agree on force multiplier


Australia may pay the families of five children who were killed in the crossfire after Taliban fighters opened fire on a patrol in Uruzgan province. The Czech Republic donated 12 helicopters to the Afghan Army. Security has been tightened in Kabul after yesterday’s assault on the Justice and Education ministries and the Prisons Directorate.


A female suicide bomber detonated her vest in a crowd of Shia pilgrims in Iskandariyah as they traveled to Karbala; 30 Iraqis were killed and scores were wounded. Two children were killed in a landmine explosion in Hillah. Three soldiers were wounded in a gunfight in Mosul. Iraqi forces detained an al Qaeda leader in […]


Seven people were killed in serial bombings in the district of Foum El Metlag. The first roadside bomb killed four members of a family. The second bombing targeted the emergency workers; three people, including a fireman and two policemen, were killed.


Avenging Mugniyah – Hezbollah’s retaliation for the death of their commander could drag Lebanon into war


Swat District: Thousands March In favor Of Islamic Shari™a


Pakistan has conceded that the Mumbai attacks were launched from it soil; eight men were charged, including three senior Lashkar-e-Taiba leaders. The Taliban killed a policeman in North Waziristan and a soldier in Swat, and threatened to kill more politicians. Four Taliban fighters were killed in Bajaur.