Monthly Archives: February 2009


Taliban threats reach from a Pakistan valley to New York


Three policemen were killed and seven were wounded in a bombing in Diyala. Two civilians were killed, and one soldier and one policeman were wounded in attacks in Mosul. Iraqi forces detained 18 wanted men in Diyala and 16 in Baghdad. The transfer of the Sons of Iraq to Iraqi control is nearly complete.

Saudi Arabia

Mohammed al Awfi, a leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, surrendered to the Yemeni government, who transferred him to Saudi Arabia. Awfi was a detainee at the Guantanamo Bay prison facility and recently appeared on an al Qaeda videotape.


Mobilizing Afghan militias: Civil defense forces vs. ‘tribal militias’


Eight soldiers were killed in two separate attacks: five were killed in a roadside bomb attack in Stah Aftis near the border town of Tebessa, and three were killed during a shootout in Bordj Menail in Boumerdes.


Pakistan: Australia welcomes Swat deal, urges political dialogue


A US strike in Kurram killed 30 Taliban fighters. The Army, Prime Minister Gilani, the Tehrik-e-Taliban, and the TNSM endorsed the Swat peace agreement; President Zardari will not endorse it until peace is restored. Punjab province may seal its borders to the Northwest Frontier Province and Baluchistan after recent attacks. Five Taliban fighters were killed […]


A government official threatened to attack Islamist forces in the Gedo region. Somali police are preparing to re-occupy police stations in Mogadishu. British Muslims are joining Shabaab in Somalia. Ethiopian troops detained a Somali member of parliament.


Pakistan to impose Islamic law in restive Swat Valley


Mullah Dastagir, the Taliban’s shadow governor for Badghis province, and eight other Taliban leaders and fighters, were killed in a US airstrike. A NATO solider was killed in an indirect fire attack in eastern Afghanistan. Eight civilians were killed in separate IED attacks in Kunar and Kandahar province.


Iraqi forces detained 15 wanted men in Kirkuk, eight wanted men in Wasit, seven in Thi Qhar, five al Qaeda fighters in Diyala and a leader in Fallujah who recently returned from Syria. An Iraqi soldier was killed in a bombing in Mosul and six policemen were wounded in an IED attack in Mandali. Three […]


Thailand: 1 soldier, 4 civilians injured in Narathiwat bombing


Algerian security forces killed Mourad Bouzid, a senior al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb leader, during a raid on his hideout in the town of Issers. Bouzid, who was also known as Ami Slimane, served as a senior recruiter and ideological figure in the terror group. He was fingered by another terrorist who surrendered last […]


The Pakistani government agreed to end military operations in Swat and implement sharia in the Malakand Division. Three people were killed in a mortar attack and the Taliban bombed a school in Swat. The Taliban murdered a “US spy” in North Waziristan. Six Taliban fighters were killed in Bajaur. An aide of Baitullah Mehsud died […]


The US has welcomed the appointment of Somalia’s new prime minister and urged Nigeria to deploy troops to Mogadishu for peacekeeping duty. Ethiopian troops are seizing trucks along the Somali border as soldiers continue to leave Somalia.


President Karzai lashed out at the Obama administration for its criticism of the Afghan government. Kandahar police foiled a plot to blow up a provincial building in the city as US Special Envoy Richard Holbrooke visited the South. A British Royal Marine was killed in Helmand province.


Iraqi forces detained 32 wanted men in Basrah, 14 in Maysan, 10 in Diyala, six in Mosul, four in Dhi Qhar, and two in Karbala. Iraqi forces also detained An Islamic State of Iraq leader in Fallujah and a leader of the 1920s Revolution Brigades in Kirkuk, and found an al Qaeda prison in Mosul. […]

Al Qaeda

Portrait of a Shadow – A former insurgent leader helps to destroy Al Qaeda in Iraq |


Pakistan government urged to take people into confidence on drone attacks


Taliban, Qaeda support increasing in Pakistan, says Musharraf


A US airstrike killed more than 25 Uzbek and Taliban fighters in South Waziristan. Two policemen were killed and four Taliban fighters were detained in Peshawar. The Swat Taliban released the captive Chinese engineer. Police found three suicide vests in Islamabad.