Monthly Archives: February 2009

Saudi Arabia’s most-wanted

Saudi Arabia has released a list of 85 “most-wanted” terrorists that includes 11 former Guantanamo detainees. The list also includes an al Qaeda terrorist operating a major network inside Iran.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda: Islam’s enemy in Gaza is US just as much as Israel


Barak: Syria-Hezbollah arms deal will prompt Israeli action in Lebanon


The Israeli Air Forces struck smuggling tunnels and a Hamas training camp in Gaza after a Grad rocket landed in the center of Ashkelon. The UN backtracked on previous claims that Israel attacked a school in Gaza.


The Taliban severed the NATO supply line through Khyber by bombing a bridge in Jamrud. Fifteen Taliban fighters, three paramilitary troops, and five policemen were killed in Swat. One man was killed in a grenade attack in a mosque in Dera Ismail Khan. An ANP leader was murdered in Hangu. Two schools were bombed in […]


Shabaab has declared jihad on the new Somali government. President Sharif denied reports he has requested foreign military aid. Ethiopia denied that its forces re-entered Somalia.


Iran sends domestically made satellite to orbit


Hamas prepared for 1-year truce, with open borders


Afghan intelligence detained 17 members of a suicide cell in Kabul. The cell is made up of members from the Pakistan-based Haqqani Network and the Harkat ul-Mujahideen. The Taliban has shut down NATO’s supply line through the Khyber Pass. Kyrgyzstan will close the Manas Air Base, which is used by the US as a staging […]


Iraqi woman arrested for recruiting female suicide bombers


Iraqi police detained two members of a previously unidentified Shia terror group called the Soldiers of Mercy. Security forces captured 11 wanted men in Baghdad, four gunmen in Jalawlaa, three gunmen and a suicide bomber in Kirkuk, and a woman who confessed to being behind 30 suicide bombings that occurred in Baghdad and Diyala.


The military claimed more than 70 Taliban fighters were killed during an operation to clear the Charbagh region in Swat. One soldier was killed and four were wounded in an IED attack on a convoy in South Waziristan. A former leader of the radical Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan was gunned down in Jangh.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia issued a list of 83 wanted terrorists who “adopted the straying ideology,” and called on the men to turn themselves in to authorities and “return to a normal life.” Eighty-one Saudis and two Yemenis are on the list.


A suicide bomber wearing a police uniform killed 21 policemen after he detonated his vest in the middle of a reserve training center in Tarin Kot in Uruzgan province. NATO said it would not oppose its members using Iran for an alternate supply route.


One security personnel killed in South Waziristan blast


The month of January 2009 marked the lowest death toll in Iraq in the past five years. The Anbar Awakening leaders threatened the Iraqi Islamic Party with violence if the polls are found to have been rigged. Two Iraqis were killed and 10 were wounded in an attack on a US convoy in Mosul. Four […]


Iraq tribes threaten to take up arms over poll


Secular Parties and Premier Lead in Iraq


Sadr refuses to negotiate detainees with US army


IAEA chief: Iran won’t attain nuclear bomb in next two years


Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal praised Iran for its assistance during the recent fighting in Gaza. The Israeli Air Force killed a member of a mortar cell team that launched a rocket into southern Israel. Israeli troops killed a gunman that attacked a checkpoint in the West Bank.