Monthly Archives: January 2009


Security forces detained seven al Qaeda operatives in Peshawar and killed 24 more Taliban fighters in Mohmand. The Taliban denied Mohmand Taliban leader Omar Khalid was killed in the fighting. The Taliban has banned music on buses in the NWFP and ordered men to grow beards in Swat.

Al Qaeda

Four of five alleged Sept. 11 plotters oppose trial delay


Coalition forces killed a Taliban commander in an airstrike in Kandahar province. A suicide bomber in Herat province killed two Afghan soldiers. President Karzai claimed to have inked a military deal with the Russians.


The last Israeli troops have left Gaza. The smuggling tunnels between Gaza and Egypt have reopened. Hamas has regained control of Gaza and is rounding up “collaborators.” Israel’s Supreme Court revoked the ban on Arab parties for the upcoming elections.


Iraq willing to see US troops leave early


Four civilians were killed and 10 more were wounded in a bombing in northern Baghdad. A civilian was killed in an IED attack in Kirkuk and two soldiers were wounded in a bombing in Ninewa. Security forces detained 13 wanted men in Hillah and uncovered six mass graves in Diyala.


The Taliban murdered two “US spies” in North Waziristan. The Frontier Corps claimed it killed 60 Taliban fighters over the past two days in Mohmand. Four policemen were wounded in a bombing in Peshawar. Police found a car bomb in Lahore.


The view from Gaza: smugglers get tunnels back in operation

Security threat closes US consulate in Dubai


Poll: Iraqis prefer secular candidates


Despite its threats, Hamas put up light resistance


US forces killed 22 Taliban fighters during operations in southern and eastern Afghanistan. The US has secured alternative supply routes through Central Asia. The Afghan government seeks greater control over future NATO deployments.


Security forces killed a suicide bomber in Mosul and detained five Mahdi Army fighters in Al Kut and four Ansar al Sunnah fighters in Kirkuk. US and Iraqi forces detained three “criminals” in Baghdad. An Iraqi border police colonel was killed in Basrah.


Hamas fired eight rockets into Israel and held a victory rally in Gaza. IDF troops came under fire in Gaza as Israeli troops rushed to pull out by the inauguration of President Obama. The Israeli Air Force struck a Qassam launcher site in Gaza.


The Khyber Pass was closed to NATO traffic after the military launched an operation in the tribal agency in retaliation for an attack on a base; the pass has been reopened. The Taliban bombed five boys’ schools and a girls’ school in Swat.


Two people have been killed after fresh fighting between pro-government militias and Islamist insurgents in Mogadishu. Islamist insurgents have recaptured Bardhere town in southwestern Somalia.