Monthly Archives: January 2009


A spokesman for Jamaat-ud Dawa, the front group for Lashkar-e-Taiba, warned that Pakistan is making a “big mistake” by acting against the group after the United Nations labeled it a terror entity last December. “Hafiz Saeed (the group’s founder) has followers all over Pakistan, and it is not possible for the government of Pakistan to […]


‘Taliban™s sharia paving way for army operations in FATA™


The Taliban murdered two more “US spies” in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed four policemen during an attack on a checkpoint in Hangu; another policeman was killed while defusing a bomb in Bannu. Four more beheaded bodies were found in Swat. An office of the political administration in Mohmand was bombed and the Taliban attacked […]


Afghanistan: Petraeus plan to defeat the Taliban to be tested in 2009


The Taliban killed three policemen and a cleric in separate attacks in Kandahar. Afghan and Coalition forces detained four Haqqani Network and Taliban fighters during raids in Khost and Zabul provinces. ISAF is investigating a reported incident of civilians being wounded by Coalition fire.


Security forces detained seven al Qaeda fighters in Diyala and two more in Touz Khormato. Border police in Trebil seized 50 kilograms of heroin. One civilian was killed and six more were wounded in an IED attack in Baghdad. Seven civilians were wounded in a bombing in Mosul.


Israeli troops have surrounded Gaza City and are advancing on Khan Younis and Dir el Balah. Thirty Palestinian civilians were killed after IDF tank shells struck a UN school. The IDF killed the chief of Hamas’ rocket program and two other military commanders. Hamas fired more than 30 rockets into southern Israel.


Lebanon’s majority leader Saad Hariri said that the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council told him that Hezbollah would not attack Israel from Lebanon to aid Hamas in Gaza. Hezbollah has increased its military’s preparedness after the battle in Gaza began in late December. The US Treasury designated the Waad Project, a Hezbollah-run construction […]


Worries In Pakistan That Taliban Imposing ‘Parallel’ Government


Hamas Spokesman Claims Victory, Calls to Kill Jewish Children


The Taliban took 11 tribal leaders hostage in Bajaur and killed three “US spies” in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed two people and bombed the home of a journalist in Swat, where police are resigning due to threats. Afghans have been ordered to leave Khyber in one week.

Ground war heats up in Gaza

Israeli troops meet resistance in northern Gaza on the second day of ground operations designed to rout Hamas’ military and end the missile attacks into southern Israel.


Iraqi forces detained eight insurgents in Babil and captured six more during raids nationwide. The Sons of Iraq detained two suspects thought to be behind a bombing in Baghdad. Two Iraqis were killed and 27 were wounded in six small-scale bombings in Baghdad. Five Iraqis were wounded in a bombing in Mosul.


A French warship prevented pirates from attacking two cargo vessels; 19 Somalis were captured. Burundi and Uganda governments asked the African Union to allow their troops to take action against the insurgents.


Iran and Bahrain Officials Call for Oil as Weapon


France: Trial of synagogue terror suspects begins in Paris


More than 4,000 Indonesians have volunteered to go to the Gaza Strip to fight Israel. The Islamic Defenders Front began the drive late last week. “One of the obligations is a willingness to be a martyr,” the group’s secretary-general said.


An Australian soldier was killed during a rocket attack in Uruzgan province. Three Afghans were wounded in an escalation of force incident in Kandahar province. The Taliban destroyed a health clinic in Kandahar.