Yearly Archives: 2008


Shabaab fighters killed three civilians, two Somali soldiers, and a Ugandan soldier in ambushes in Mogadishu. An Ethiopian convoy was ambushed near Baidoa; Shabaab claimed it killed many soldiers. Shabaab warned it would close the Mogadishu airport.


The Taliban killed six children and wounded 12 in a bomb attack in Ghazni province. The Taliban killed two UN doctors and a driver in an IED attack in Spin Boldak in Kandahar province. A British soldier was killed in Helmand province. US forces captured two members of the Haqqani Network in Khost province.


Ending Afghan mission in 2011 is no ‘cut and run,’ MacKay says


Police made eight arrests in yesterday’s multiple bombings in New Delhi. Techie Abdul Subhan is thought to be behind the attacks. The Indian Mujahideen used an unsecured wireless network in Mumbai to send the e-mail warning of the attack to media outlets. The Indian Mujahideen threatened to strike in Mumbai.


India police raid slums, relatives angry after bombs


Police detain several suspects in New Delhi blasts

Who is Abu Omar al Baghdadi?

Zawahiri addressed a letter directly to the leader of the Islamic State. Sources tell The Long War Journal that al Qaeda backfilled the leadership position after it exposed Baghdadi was played by an actor.


Iraq: Detention system reform is a top priority


The military claimed 72 Taliban fighters and eight soldiers were killed in Bajaur. More than 100 Taliban fighters overran a government building on the outskirts of Peshawar. Police in Peshawar are purchasing their own weapons to defend themselves. A suspected suicide bomber was arrested in Islamabad. The Pakistani Air Force patrolled over the Waziristans.


(Pakistan) White House refuses to comment on rules of engagement


Pakistanis protest in New York against US intrusion


Coalition forces killed two al Qaeda operatives and detained 11 during raids in central and northern Iraq. Iraqi forces captured four Mahdi Army fighters in Maysan province. US soldiers detained a Special Groups leader in Baghdad™s Rashid district. Nine Peshmerga soldiers were killed and two were wounded in a bombing in Khanaqin. Four Iraqi journalists […]


Shabaab fighters occupied Beledweyne after Ethiopian forces withdrew from the town. Shabaab mortared Baidoa, the seat of the Transitional Federal Government. Swedish prosecutors dropped charges against three men accused of funding Shabaab.

Al Qaeda

Sheikh Omar Bakri: Britain’s Problem – Terrorism by Mujahideen is ‘Blessed’


Afghanistan: ‘Iraq was not like this. This is war-fighting’


Parallel Universe: Pakistan, al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the War on Terrorism


Five Moro Islamic Liberation Front fighters and one soldier were killed in a clash in the South. MILF claimed the military attacked its fighters while praying inside a mosque. The military is sending “special troops” to hunt down Commander Bravo.


Gunmen kill 4 Iraqi TV staff in Mosul


Iraqi Deputy Premier and al-Sistani Discuss Kurdish Crisis


German police arrest suspected al Qaeda supporter


Bombs kill 10 in Baghdad and near Iranian border

Pakistan claims killing 72 militants in 3 days

Afghan governor, 3 others die in blast near Kabul