Pakistan lawmakers to get rare intelligence briefing: officials
Pakistan lawmakers to get rare intelligence briefing: officials
Two tribes formed a militia to oppose the Taliban in Arakzai. The military killed two Taliban leaders in Swat. Taliban spokesman Mullah Omar said senior leaders of the Awami National Party are on the hit list. Two rockets lander near the home of the Chief Minister of the Northwest Frontier Province.
Afghan trader-turned-Taliban profits from new alliance
Ten dead in attacks as Ramadan ends in Algeria
Ethiopian troops are reported to be moving towards the Islamic Courts-controlled town of Hudur. Five people were killed after Shabaab attacked the airport Mogadishu. Shabaab threatened the spokesman of the Hawiye council. The Islamic Courts said planes banned from Mogadishu could land in Kismayo.
SYRIA: Al Qaeda mastermind said to be captured
Somali Pirates Stare Down Global Superpowers
An al Qaeda suicide bomber detonated his vest during a raid in Mosul. Three women, three children, and five terrorists were killed in the explosion. Iraqi forces captured two al Qaeda emirs and nine fighters in Buhriz and detained six al Qaeda operatives during operations in northern Iraq.
Schools ready to open in Sadr City
ISAF forces captured a senior Taliban leader behind suicide and conventional attacks in Uruzgan province. Afghan police and soldiers killed five Taliban fighters after they attacked a police leader’s home in Kandahar. President Karzai’s brother has been linked to the heroin trade.
Officials say Taliban mad over alleged US strike
Reports indicate a senior al Qaeda or Taliban leader may have been killed in the Oct. 2 cross-border strike, but Pakistani sources must be treated with skepticism based on past performance.
Relentless Taliban just keep coming
Polish Military Marks Close Of Iraq Mission
War on Taliban cannot be won, says army chief
Baitullah Mehsud proved he is alive by visiting several villages in South Waziristan. The Mahmood tribe decided to form an anti-Taliban lashkar while the Salazaris killed three Taliban in Bajaur. Security forces arrested a Lashkar-e-Islam commander and five fighters in Khyber.
Pakistan’s Mysterious New Spymaster
US won’t put diplomats in Iran
ISAF and Afghan forces killed 23 Taliban fighters during operations nationwide. A battalion of French troops reportedly oppose being deployed to Afghanistan. Germany’s foreign minister wants the country’s commandos withdrawn.
Coalition forces captured 10 al Qaeda in Iraq operatives in northern and central Iraq. Iraqi forces detained a senior al Qaeda leader and 14 operatives in Mosul. Police captured a senior al Qaeda leader in Wasit province. One Iraqi soldier was killed after two US helicopters collided in Baghdad.
Thailand: Two soldiers killed in Pattani
Adam Gadahn and Mustafa Abu Yazid appeared on al Qaeda’s latest videotape, which was released by As Sahab. Both Gadahn and Yazid have been rumored to have been killed in aistrikes and clashes in Pakistan’s tribal areas.
Al Qaeda’s American spokesman was rumored killed in a January airstrike that killed Abu Laith al Libi. Gadahn references the US “economic meltdown.”
The Most Difficult Job in the World: Pakistan’s president on terrorism, India and his late wife. –
Police Station to be Built in Remaining Enemy Hot Spot
Defying a Spate of Bombings, Baghdad Has a Party
Fifteen Turkish soldiers and 23 fighters from the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) were killed in a major clash in the town of Semdinli in the southeastern province of Hakkari near the Iraqi border. The two day battle began after PKK terrorists ambushed Turkish troops.
US: 4 failed Somali pirate attacks in 24 hours
Fifteen Turkish soldiers killed in clashes with PKK
The US conducted two strikes in North Waziristan. The government of the Northwest Frontier Province is ready to hold talks with the Taliban in Swat. The Red Cross declared Pakistan a “new war zone.” Extremists kidnapped a security official in Khyber.