Monthly Archives: December 2008


Coalition forces continue drawdown in Iraq


US military chief urges India and Pakistan to work together


Britain gets ready for urgent Iraq pullout


A monster out of control: Pakistan secret agents tell of militant links


Heavy fighting erupted in Mogadishu, wounding 23 people and killing 3 others. The fighting originated at the presidential palace between government fighters and insurgents. The African Union urged Ethiopia to delay its troop withdrawal until more AU troops can be deployed.


Indian provided proof of Pakistani involvement in the Mumbai attacks. Fifteen Taliban were killed in Bajaur. Four civilians were wounded in multiple bombings at a Peshawar school. The Awami National Party fears the birth of another East Pakistan if the situation in the northwest is not resolved.


Police captured a senior leader of the al Qaeda-backed Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami. Two Indian policemen were killed after insurgents ambushed a patrol in India-occupied Kashmir. A mob from the Indian Popular Youth Front, a wing of the nationalist BJP party, stormed a Nokia showroom after learning the company’s mapping program showed Kashmir as part of Pakistan’s territory.


Baghdad celebrates first public Christmas amid hope, memories

United States

A US federal court convicted five Muslim immigrants of conspiring to kill US soldiers in Fort Dix, New Jersey. The men claimed to have been inspired by Osama bin Laden but were not members of al Qaeda. Three of the men are from Albania, one is from Jordan, and one is from Turkey.


US and Afghan forces killed more than 20 Taliban fighters during operations in Kunar along the border with Pakistan’s tribal agency of Bajaur. An ISAF soldier was killed in southern Afghanistan. Bosnia will deploy 100 troops to Afghanistan; Poland does not see a need to deploy more forces.


Iraqi forces detained 89 “wanted men” in Diwaniyah, 13 al Qaeda operatives in Samarra, six “criminals and terrorists” in Basrah, five terrorists in Baghdad, and an “Iranian infiltrator” in Diyala. A US Marine was killed during fighting in Anbar province.


Pakistan: Air force on ‘alert’ for Indian strike

The Taliban

The Taliban dismissed the plans to increase US and NATO forces in Afghanistan. “Every day they (the Americans) change their speech to hide their defeat,” Taliban spokesman Yousuf Ahmadi said. “When the US increases its troop levels to that of the Russians, they will also be cruelly defeated. More troops – that means there will […]

Al Qaeda

FBI diverts anti-terror agents to $50 billion swindle


India goes full throttle to get JeM chief


The Taliban executed two “US spies” in North Waziristan. The Taliban are enforcing Sharia in Arakzai. A large cache of arms seized during the Lal Masjid raid has been stolen. Four Taliban fighters were killed in Pakistani airstrikes in Bajaur.


Coalition forces killed four Taliban fighters and captured five more in Zabul province. A Royal Marine was killed in Helmand province. Afghan and Coalition forces seized two tons of marijuana stored in a school in Kandahar and more than a ton of narcotics and weapons after a firefight in near Herat.


Ethiopia announced that it would be withdrawing troops from Somalia by the end of December. Nigeria is planning to send an estimated 850 troops to Mogadishu after Ethiopian forces withdraw. Switzerland stated that it may send warships off Somali coast to protect Swiss vessels.


Coalition forces killed one al Qaeda fighter and detained 25 more during raids throughout Iraq; a terrorist leader was also detained in Khan Bani Sab. US troops captured a Hezbollah Brigades leader and two associates, and two Special Groups leaders and eight operatives during separate raids in Baghdad. Iraqi troops arrested five “wanted men” in […]


US Forces to Replace British Forces in Southern Iraq