Monthly Archives: November 2008

The Taliban

A Taliban commander named Faruq took credit for the August attack on a French convoy outside of Kabul that resulted in 10 French soldiers killed. Faruq threatened to attack Paris if French troops did not withdraw from Afghanistan.


Seven tribesmen and three Taliban fighters were killed in clashes in Bajaur; the Taliban captured several tribal leaders and will try them in a sharia court. Fifteen Taliban fighters and one soldier were killed in fighting in Swat. The government asked the Taliban to lay down their weapons and negotiate. The Taliban promised not to […]

Iran aims for 2009 launch of nuclear plant


Italy: Police anti-terror raids target suspected Islamists


Taliban’s Spiritual Fathers Denounce Terror. Could Taliban Be Next?


US forces captured a senior Qods Force officer in Baghdad. Iraqi forces killed one insurgent and captured 14 in Baghdad, US troops captured 10 insurgents in Tarmiyah and captured 18 al Qaeda fighters during raids nationwide. US and Iraqi forces killed two al Qaeda fighters and captured four more during operations in Mosul. One Iraqi […]


Coalition and Afghan forces killed 38 Taliban fighters during fighting in the Nahr Surkh district in Helmand province on Nov. 16. Afghan commandos killed four insurgents and destroyed a drug lab in Spin Boldak in Kandahar province. Coalition force killed five Taliban fighters in Farah province and captured 14 more in Kapisa province.


US Commits to Iraq Withdrawal by 2011, But Could Seek Extension


The government reopened the Torkham border crossing in Khyber; paramilitary forces are escorting NATO convoys. Three soldiers and seven civilians were killed a Taliban suicide attack in Swat; 12 Taliban were killed and eight were captured in Charsadda; and 38 Taliban surrendered in Bajaur. The Taliban threatened to attack the Daewoo Bus Service in Punjab […]


Iraq™s Diyala province known for female suicide bombers

Al Qaeda

Would-be suicide bomber, 15, blames her husband, awaits trial in jail

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda Faction in Gaza Claims Rocket Attacks on Israeli Targets


Time for Iraq to be US ally – Abu Resha

Al Qaeda

A US district judge has ruled that Aafia Siddiqui is mentally unfit for trial. Siddiqui is “not currently competent to proceed as a result of her mental disease, which renders her unable to understand the nature and consequences of the proceedings against her,” the judge stated. Siddiqui is a US-trained neuroscientist who has been wanted […]


Abu Deraa, Sheikh Baqir run violence in Sadr City remotely – US commander


Iraq’s cabinet approved the status of forces agreement. Iraqi security forces arrested a senior leader of al Qaeda™s Islamic State in Iraq in Mosul and detained 10 insurgents in Baghdad. Bombings in Baghdad, Sulaimaniyah, Kirkuk, and Amarah wounded 48 Iraqis.


African Union peacekeepers from Burundi have begun to occupy a base recently vacated by Ethiopian forces; Shabaab immediately attacked the base. Three people have been killed during fighting in Mogadishu. Pirates seized a Saudi-owned oil supertanker off the coast of Kenya; the pirates are moving the ship to Eyl.

The Taliban

Mullah Bahadar, the Taliban’s second-in-command, and Zabiullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman, dismissed President Hamid Karzai’s offer of negotiations. “As long as foreign occupiers remain in Afghanistan, we aren’t ready for talks,” said Bahadar. “The Taliban will pursue jihad against foreign forces and (Karzai’s) government,” said Mujahid.