Monthly Archives: November 2008


A suicide attack on a government center in Khost province killed nine people and wounded 16. The US and Pakistani military coordinated a strike on Taliban rocket teams operating in Waziristan. Russia is permitting Spain and Germany to ship supplies through the central Asian states.


US military advisers accompanying Philippine forces in the southern part of the country were fired upon earlier this week, but no soldiers were wounded or killed. The attack took place on the island of Jolo, a stronghold of the al Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf Group.

Al Qaeda

The US Treasury Department added a Germany-based member of al Qaeda in Iraq to the Specially Designated Global Terrorist list. Redouane El Habhab is a “terrorist financier and facilitator who has provided financial support and other services to al Qaeda in Iraq,” including aiding terrorists in entering the country. Habhab is currently in a German […]


The US Treasury Department added three members of Shabaab to the Specially Designated Global Terrorist list. Ahmed Abdi Aw Mohammed (also known as Shaykh Mukhtar and Abu Zubeyr) the founder and leader of Shabaab; Issa Osman Issa, a military commander; and Mukhtar Robow, Shabaab’s spokesman were designated.


Israeli Air Force chief: We are ready to deal with Iran


Top Iraq Shiite cleric demands MP vote on US pact


US general optimistic about tripartite coordination: Operation on both sides of border


A US strike in Bannu killed a senior al Qaeda operative. The general formerly in charge of the Special Services Group commandos was assassinated outside of Islamabad. Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in Swat and five more in Bajaur. The military warned tribes in Mohmand to fight the Taliban or be expelled from their […]


Unofficial Translation of US-Iraq Troop Agreement from the Arabic Text


Iraqi parliamentarians clashed over the status of forces agreement while supporters of the agreement rallied in Sunni and Shia cities. Iraqi forces detained 42 insurgents in Baghdad and killed four more in Tikrit. Coalition forces captured nine al Qaeda operatives. Iraqi and US troops captured seven insurgents in Baghdad.


Terror campaign empties towns in Iraq farming belt


Uranium traces found at bombed Syria site: UN


Britain’s foreign secretary confirmed his country would work closely with Syrian intelligence at the highest level on counterterrorism issues. Syria is strongly believed to be behind multiple terror attacks inside neighboring Lebanon, including the February 2005 bombing that killed former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and 21 others. Syria has also turned a blind eye to […]


Iraqi Sunni, Shias demonstrate in favour of US pact


Iraqi Lawmakers Brawl Over Security Pact

Al Qaeda

Ayman al Zawahiri heaped scorn on President-elect Barack Obama in an audiotape released by As Sahab, al Qaeda’s propaganda wing. Zawahiri called Obama and Secretaries of State Rice and Powell “house negroes” and said Obama is “the direct opposite of honorable black Americans” like Malcolm X.

Gulf of Aden

An Indian warship attacked a Somali pirate “mother vessel” operating in the Gulf of Aden. The pirate ship was set aflame, but it is unclear if it was sunk. “This vessel was similar in description to the ‘Mother Vessel’ mentioned in various piracy bulletins,” India’s Defense Ministry reported.