Monthly Archives: November 2008


Syria Rejects US Claims It Is Aiding Terrorists


Iraqi bomber was mentally disabled woman


Baghdad bombs kill 20, 1 hits Green Zone entry


US alone critical of Syria at Iraq conference


Prime Minister Gilani said US strikes are causing suicide attacks. NATO said cooperation with Pakistan is “the best it has ever been.” The Taliban said their forces are established in Karachi. Jamaat-e-Islami chief Qazi Hussain Ahmad said al Qaeda and the Taliban are heroes. Nine Taliban fighters and four women were killed in Bajaur.


US forces captured eight members of the League of the Righteous and six Hezbollah Brigades operatives during raids in Baghdad, and captured seven al Qaeda fighters during raids throughout Iraq. Iraqi forces detained nine insurgents in Basrah, 11 in Kirkuk, and eight in Baghdad. Nine Iraqis were wounded in two bombings in Baghdad.


Egypt detains 17 members of Muslim Brotherhood


Coalition forces killed a senior Taliban commander in Helmand province. US troops killed 17 Taliban fighters during an operation in the Shah Wali Kot district of Kandahar province. Coalition forces plan on sustaining operations in the southern provinces throughout the winter months.

Saudi Arabia

The Saudi government denied a report in Der Spiegel that King Abdullah offered political asylum to Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar. “There lies no truth in reports which reported Saudi offer of asylum to Mullah Omar,” a foreign ministry official said. The German newspaper claimed Presidents Bush and Karzai pushed the offer.

Al Qaeda

A US court ordered the release of five of the six Algerians held at the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay. A German man suspected of being part of an al Qaeda cell was extradited from Turkey to Germany.


Al Qaeda operative Rashid Rauf is reported to have been killed in a US strike in North Waziristan. A bombing at a mosque in Hangu killed five civilians and wounded seven. Three people were wounded in an IED attack on a NATO convoy traveling through Khyber. The Army took control of Kabal in Swat.


India: ‘Police need military tactics to counter terrorism™


Police killed 15 Shabaab fighters in a failed attack on a government official’s home in Mogadishu on Friday. Fifteen people were killed and five were wounded in fighting in Mogadishu. Shabaab denied it was killing aid workers. Pirates released a Greek-owned tanker.


Coalition forces detained 16 al Qaeda operatives during a series of raids and captured seven more in Baghdad. Iraqi forces killed one al Qaeda fighter and captured 15 in Khanaan, and captured another six in southern Diyala. An Iranian with forged documents was detained in Wasit province.


Saudi Arabia will give Mullah Omar asylum, according to reports. Coalition forces killed 14 Taliban fighters during operations in Farah and Helmand provinces. Eight people were killed in a grenade attack at a wedding in Parwan. Eight Canadian soldiers were wounded in an IED attack in Kandahar province.


Iran executes man in Israeli spy case


Pirates Collect $150M Over Past Year at Expense of Global Economy


Fugitive British Militant Killed in Strike in Pakistan


Iraqi parliament to vote on US pact Wednesday