Monthly Archives: October 2008


Shabaab is demanding pirates had over a portion of the weapons on the hijacked Ukrainian ship. Seventeen Somalis were killed in mortar exchanges in Mogadishu. One Italian was wounded in an IED attack on a UN vehicle in Merca.


Coalition forces detained 10 suspected al Qaeda operatives during raids near Sharqat and in Fallujah. Policemen captured three insurgents planting an IED in Saadiya. US and Iraqi troops captured two women and a man in possession of explosives. One policeman was killed in an attack in Mosul.


The Afghan government denied reports it conducted peace talks with the Taliban in Saudi Arabia last month. President Karzai’s brother denied accusations that he is involved in Afghanistan’s heroin trade and threatened to sue The New York Times. Spanish military intelligence said Iran offered to shelter Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.


Egypt police thwart Islamist attempt to supply Gaza


Yemen says arrests militants with links to Israel


Insurgency Fractured in Northern Iraq, Commander Says

United States

The US courts may release five Uighurs detained at the Guantanamo Detention Facility into the Washington, DC area until a proper country can be found to send them. The idea was proposed by the defense team. “I don’t understand why that would not be a viable option,” said U.S. District Judge Ricardo M. Urbina.

The Taliban

Senior members of the Taliban are negotiating with the Afghan government in Saudi Arabia. Reports indicate Mullah Omar has split with al Qaeda. Several sources told The Long War Journal they are highly skeptical Omar has indeed broke with al Qaeda.


Iraq hopes shrine rebuild can reconcile sect


Rising Iraqi Shiite leader calls for national unity


ANTARA :: Indonesia`s Bashir prohibited from meeting Bali bombers


Pakistan: Fatwa against Zardari for flirting with Palin


Pakistan lawmakers to get rare intelligence briefing: officials


Two tribes formed a militia to oppose the Taliban in Arakzai. The military killed two Taliban leaders in Swat. Taliban spokesman Mullah Omar said senior leaders of the Awami National Party are on the hit list. Two rockets lander near the home of the Chief Minister of the Northwest Frontier Province.