Monthly Archives: September 2008


The al Qaeda-linked Yemeni Islamic Jihad claimed credit for today’s complex attack on the US Embassy in Sana’a. Outside the embassy, 16 Yemenis were killed in the attacks, which involved bombs, snipers, RPGs, and small-arms fire. Al Qaeda in Yemen is bereft of leadership, said a former body guard of Osama bin Laden.


The military believes 12 soldiers who were ambushed in the desert near Tourine by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb on Sept. 16 have been kidnapped. Neither the bodies of the 12 soldiers or the two vehicles in the patrol were found after security forces arrived at the ambush site. Al Qaeda in the Islamic […]

Al Qaeda

CIA: Bin Laden doesn’t oversee day-to-day al Qaeda operations


Pakistan: Taliban behind deadly suicide attack in northwest


Video of “Terror Training Camp” in Canada


Eight Iraqis were killed and 25 wounded in a series of car bombs in Baghdad. Iraqi security forces arrested 20 wanted individuals in Baghdad and eight in Kirkuk. Coalition forces detained four al Qaeda operatives in Mosul and Bayji.


The US defense secretary apologized for recent airstrikes that caused civilian casualties. NATO seeks to implement rules to decrease civilian casualties. Four NATO soldiers and an Afghan interpreter were killed in an IED attack in eastern Afghanistan. The French defense minister called on Europe to increase troop levels and end caveats on operations.


Pakistan’s chief military spokesman said its forces have orders to “open fire” on US troops crossing the border, then later downplayed the remarks. The US recommended Pakistan reform the ISI. The UK said it does not support US incursions into Pakistan. Tribesmen in Khyber threatened to shut down NATO’s supply line. Three soldiers were killed […]


Iraq’s parliament will vote on the elections law and review the status of forces agreement with the US on Sept. 17. Iraqi soldiers captured a leader of the Islamic State of Iraq in Ninewa province. US troops captured two Sunni snipers in Baghdad. Two policemen were killed in an IED attack in Baghdad; one was […]


IAEA shows photos alleging Iran nuclear missile work


Iraq: Premier says security agreement to be presented to parliament | Aswat Aliraq


US soldiers battling hard in Iraqi city


Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps has assumed control of the defense of the Persian Gulf. The IAEA’s nuclear inspections are at a “dead end” after Iran halted cooperation. China said no further sanctions will be imposed by the UN. The head of Iran’s chamber of commerce said current sanctions have hit the economy hard.

Gulf of Aden

Pirates hijacked a Hong Kong chemical tanker with 22 crew members. French commandos freed two French nationals during a mission that resulted in one pirate killed and six captured. The European Union approved plans for a possible naval mission to the Horn of Africa to address piracy off of Somalia’s coast.


The Taliban welcomed Canada’s decision to withdraw by 2011. The Taliban have killed 720 police officers in the past six months. Afghan forces killed more than 20 Taliban fighters in Ghazni. Coalition forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in Wardak. Coalition forces detained eight members of the Haqqani Network in Khost.


Lebanese Army seizes arms from Islamic faction in Tripoli