Monthly Archives: September 2008


Chief inspector: Iran may be hiding secret nukes


Land of Gandhi Asserts Itself as Global Military Power


Iraq: Al-Anbar Salvation Council to Run in Parliamentary Elections


Yemen seen as Qaeda target and platform


Reports indicate the military will step up operations in the tribal areas. The Czech ambassador and two US Marines were killed in the Sept. 20 suicide bombing in Islamabad. Five policemen were wounded in an IED attack in Dir. Tribes in Dir said they would halt Taliban attacks.


Lebanese Muslims turning backs on suicide bombings


Yemeni security forces arrested Abu al Ghaith al Yamani, the leader of the Yemeni Islamic Jihad, and five other members of the group for plotting attacks against foreign embassies. The British Embassy in Sana’a has been closed. The toll in last week’s attack on the US Embassy has risen to 18 dead.


Indonesian Cleric Ba’asyir Launches New Hard-Line Group


Coalition forces captured five Special Groups fighters in New Baghdad and 25 al Qaeda operatives during raids throughout Iraq. Iraqi troops detained 14 insurgents south of Baghdad. Two Iraqis were killed and were 42 wounded in a truck bombing in Mosul. Two Iraqis were killed and 23 were wounded in a car bombing in Kirkuk. […]


Six Somali soldiers were killed in heavy fighting with Shabaab forces in Baidoa. The speaker of parliament’s home was attacked in Baidoa. Kenya has increased security on the Somali border.


The Taliban said it would honor the international “peace day” as well as allow polio shots to be distributed to children. The Taliban killed 11 policemen in Herat province and poisoned more than 100 military and government officials in Nuristan province. Two ISAF soldiers were killed in an IED attack in eastern Afghanistan. ISAF killed […]


Al Qaeda suspected of Pakistan’s Marriott bombing


Iran-trained Shiite Iraqis returning to launch bombings: police


More than 70 were killed and 250 wounded in a suicide bombing at the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad. Ten soldiers were killed and 12 were wounded in a suicide attack on a convoy in North Waziristan. The military killed 16 Taliban fighters in Bajaur. Two suicide bombers were captured in Hangu.


Pakistani Taliban claims responsibility for foiled terror plan in Barcelona

Pentagon moves embattled Gitmo legal official