Monthly Archives: September 2008

Sri Lanka

At least 68 people, including two civilians, were killed over the weekend amid clashes between security forces and Tamil Tiger rebels. At least 81 Tamil Tigers and two Army personnel were killed in fierce fighting in Sri Lanka’s restive northern areas on Monday, as troops gained control of several LTTE outposts in the rebel stronghold […]


Coalition forces detained seven insurgents in operations targeting Taliban IED networks in the eastern Afghan province of Khost. NATO-led troops accidentally killed three Afghan children with artillery fire in Paktika province. Another raid near Kabul left an Afghan and his two children dead sparking mass protests throughout Kabul. A Taliban car bomber attacked a German […]


A bombing at a bus terminal in Digos city in Davao del Sur province killed six civilians and wounded 20. The government said it would limit operations against MILF during Ramadan. The US said its soldiers were not present during the ambush in Sulu that killed four Philippine Marines and wounded 10.


Egypt police find huge weapons cache in Sinai


Iraqi troops take control of Anbar province