Monthly Archives: September 2008


Pakistan: Reports of Al-Zawahiri escape ‘distorted’ says security official


Morocco: Terror cell planned attack against UN force


Turkey: Soldiers killed in ambush in eastern province


Pakistan election tactics reopen radical Islamic schools


Shabaab admitted Abu Talha al Sudani was killed during fighting last year in a videotape designed to pave the way for a merger with al Qaeda. Leaders in the Transitional Federal Government said the military would retake Kismayo from the Islamic Courts. Opposing groups in the Islamic Courts clashed in Jowhar. Sheikh Yusuf Indha’ade spoke […]

Saudi al Qaeda commander killed in Afghan clash

afghn-attacks1-v2-thumb-2.jpgAn al Qaeda spokesman claims US and Afghan forces killed a senior field commander in southwestern Afghanistan. Commander Abu Gharib al Makki was killed in one of two clashes reported in Farah province in recent fighting.

Al Qaeda

The US Department of Justice formally indicted al Qaeda operative Aafia Siddiqui for attempting to kill US officers during an interrogation in Ghazni province in Afghanistan. Siddiqui also had documents and computer files in her possession referring to the construction of “dirty bombs,” and discussed various ways to attack “enemies,” including by destroying reconnaissance drones, […]

United Kingdom

Radical al Qaeda cleric Abu Qatada, who is out of jail on bail, was photographed with Yasser al Sirri, a former member of Egyptian Islamic Jihad. Sirri has been sentenced to death in Egypt for for his role in a 1993 car bomb attack. Qataba is prohibited from associating with a list of 20 people, […]


Coalition forces detained four Hezbollah Brigades fighters in Baghdad. Iraqi troops captured four Special Groups fighters during raids throughout Iraq. US troops detained three Special Groups fighters in Baghdad. Coalition forces captured 16 al Qaeda operatives during raids in central and northern Iraq.


US releases 3 from Guantanamo Bay prison camp; about 255 left


ISAF denied 500 civilians were killed in the Sarwan Qala area of Helmand province last week. British troops successfully delivered a turbine to the Kajaki Dam in Helmand. Canada’s defense minister said the deployment of a US battalion to Kandahar was only the beginning of the US deployment.


Eight people killed in Iraq bombings


The Taliban claimed it kidnapped two Chinese engineers near the Afghan border. Nine Pakistanis were killed in a military offensive in Darra Adam Khel. Eight civilians were killed in a Pakistani military mortar attack in Bajaur. A tribal army retook two Taliban-control villages in Kurram; a cease-fire was declared after nine were killed and 26 […]


Security for Anbar province officially transferred to Iraqi control. Coalition forces detained 14 al Qaeda operatives during raids in central and northern Iraq. Iraqi forces detained 15 wanted men in Baghdad. Coalition forces captured two members of the Shia League of the Righteous in Muthanna province. One Iraqi was killed and seven were wounded in […]

Iraq largely free of foreign fighters: police

Iraqi troops take control of key province (Anbar)

Pakistani tribesmen organize private armies to fight Taliban