Monthly Archives: September 2008


Fury at Paris Match picture of Taliban in dead soldier’s uniform


Sarkozy warns Iran it risks Israeli attack


Homage to Mugniyah: Hezbollah Exhibit Celebrates War and ‘Martyrs’


Petraeus Says US Combat Troops Could Exit Baghdad by July


The Iraqi government will take over the Sons of Iraq program in October. Coalition forces killed one al Qaeda operative and detained 15 during raids in Baghdad and the Tigris River Valley. Iraqi forces killed one insurgent and captured 18 in Baghdad. Two US soldiers were killed in an IED attack in Baghdad.


Islamic Courts fighters forced restaurants in the Middle Shabelle region to shut down for Ramadan. Somaliland released a politician after accusing him of having links to Shabaab. Pirates seized an Egyptian ship and a French yacht; 10 ships and their crews are being held for ransom.


Gunmen assassinated Abdulla Alishayev, a host on one of the most popular Islamic television stations in the Russian republic of Dagestan; he is the second journalist to be killed in the Caucasus this week. A third journalist, Miloslav Bitokov, editor-in-chief, of the independent weekly Gazeta Yuga, was severely beaten yesterday by unidentified men outside his […]

Top Afghan anti-drugs judge murdered in Kabul

ISI behind abduction of Japanese worker, alleges Afghanistan

Palestinian Territories

Hamas detained Abu Hafss, the leader of Jaish al Ummah (Army of the Nation), a pro-al Qaeda group operating out of Gaza. The terror group gained prominence after Reuters visited a training camp two days ago. Hamas has allow the group to operate as long as it stays out of local politics and does not […]


Iraqi Police and Army join forces in Basra


Five senior Taliban leaders in Kapisa province, including two behind the Aug. 18 attack on French forces in Kabul, were killed during a series of Coalition raids. A British soldier was killed during a patrol in southern Afghanistan. ISAF soldiers killed a civilian in an escalation of force incident in Helmand province. A 100-man Czech […]


Baghdad to take control of Sunni anti-Qaeda groups: US


Taliban took credit for the assassination attempt on the prime minister. The government claimed 30 Taliban were killed during an operation in Swat. The Taliban kidnapped 32 police recruits in Khyber and six security officials in Landi Kotal. Baitullah Mehsud’s Taliban joined forces with the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi in Karachi.


Shabaab vowed to continue attacks during Ramadan. Fifteen Somalis were killed in a Shabaab attack on the Presidential Palace in Mogadishu. The Islamic Courts said the government is incapable of retaking Kismayo.


President Arroyo disbanded the government panel negotiating autonomy with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. Arrest warrants have been issued for MILF commanders Kato and Bravo, and 12 other members of the group. The government said 66 people have been killed and 79 wounded during recent fighting with MILF in the South.


Coalition forces killed an al Qaeda weapons facilitator and detained eight fighters during raids in the Tigris River Valley and captured six operatives in Bayji and Mosul. Iraqi forces detained 40 insurgents in Baghdad. Iraqi and US soldiers detained four Special Groups operatives during air assaults in Dhi Qar and Maysan provinces. Police captured seven […]


Afghan police killed 32 Taliban fighters during engagements in southern Afghanistan. Three Canadian troops were killed and five were wounded in a “direct fire” incident in the Zari district in Kandahar province. The US military said last week’s raid in Azizabad in Herat province resulted in seven civilian casualties, not the 90 cited in the […]