Monthly Archives: September 2008


Rogue MILF members have splintered to smaller groups, says military


Electricity powers more normalcy in Iraq suburb


Pakistan closed the Torkham border crossing in Khyber agency to NATO traffic the same day it said it reserved the right t respond to US airstrikes inside Pakistan. The US struck an al Qaeda safe house in North Waziristan; five “foreigners” were reported killed. The Taliban raided a checkpoint in Khyber. The Salarzai tribes in […]


Car bomb targets controversial Shiite politician


From jail to high office: the strange journey of Asif Ali Zardari


Malik proposes loya jirga for restoration of peace in Kurram Agency


Shabaab leaders revealed earlier today on Paltalk that the group would announce the establishment of the Islamic Emirate of Somalia very soon. Shabaab has made overtures to merge with Al Qaeda over the past several weeks.


Coalition forces detained 14 al Qaeda operatives during operations in the Mosul region. US and Iraqi forces detained four Special Groups fighters in Maysan province. A senior police official in Wasit province and his wife were killed in an attack. More than 12,000 detainees have been released this year.

United States

Man Arrested Near Capitol After IED, Rifle, Ammunition Allegedly Found in Jeep

Al Qaeda

Jihadis Dispute Role of Iraq™s Female Suicide Bombers


The Mumahidun: Muqtada Al Sadr™s New Militia


(Philippines) More troops rushed to Mindanao after peace breakdown: official

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda’s latest videotape featured the suicide bomber who carried out the June 2 attack on the Danish embassy in Islamabad. Mustafa Abu Yazid, al Qaeda’s commander in Afghanistan, said attacks would continue. “The Danish embassy (attack) and prior operations is but the beginning.”


(Lebanon) Nasrallah reaches out to family of slain LAF helicopter plot


Lebanon ruling bloc slams Syrian ‘interference’


Eight Taliban fighters, including three local commanders and two civilians were killed in an airstrike in Farah province. The Taliban gathered elite fighters for an attack on Canadian forces earlier this week. A British soldier was killed in the Sangin district in Helmand province.


Petraeus Recommends One Brigade Leave Iraq Before New President Takes Over


Pentagon Urges a Pause in Iraq Drawdown Until 2009


The US killed four during an airstrike on an al Qaeda safe house in South Waziristan. Seventeen Taliban were reported killed during fighting in Swat. The Lashkar-e-Islam kidnapped three tribal police personnel in Khyber. The Taliban threatened a pro-government tribe in Bajaur. “Very important” government officials have received death threats from the Taliban.