Monthly Archives: September 2008

US Strikes Taliban Stronghold in Pakistan

More Diggers wanted for Afghanistan

Taliban learning how to win key propaganda battles


The US embassy in Islamabad and the consulate in Karachi received envelopes filled with an unknown white powder. A oil tanker destined for NATO forces in Afghanistan was hit with an RPG at the Chaman border crossing. The government said 10 Taliban fighters were killed in Swat and security has been restored in regions in […]

Al Qaeda

Terror groups developing ‘dirty bomb’, say security chiefs


US troops killed 10 Haqqani Network operatives and captured three during a raid in Khost province. Six police were killed and 37 were wounded in a double suicide attack on a senior police general in Kandahar. One Afghan soldier was killed and seven were wounded in an IED attack in Kandahar.


An unidentified warship captured 14 pirates and sunk their boat. Shabaab conducted attacks against peacekeepers in Mogadishu and a police station in Baidoa. An Islamic Courts official rejected the appointment of new leaders in Kismayo as local clans were not represented.


Six Iraqis were killed and 32 wounded in a suicide car bombing in Tal Afar. Coalition forces detained 12 al Qaeda operatives during raids nationwide. Iraqi forces detained 24 insurgents in Baghdad and 13 terrorists and criminals in Basrah. US and Iraqi forces detained two Special Groups operatives in Hillah and Baghdad.

For the Taliban, A Crime That Pays

Hamid Karzai blames Britain for Taliban resurgence

Al Qaeda

Western intelligence sources in Pakistan believe that al Qaeda’s American recruit and propaganda chief, Adam Gadahn, may have been killed in a CIA-directed airstrike. Intelligence officials will scrutinize radical websites and forums this week to see whether Gadahn – also known as Azzam al Ameriki – produces a new video message to mark Sept. 11, […]


[Update 2] Shabaab has seized the frontier town of Dobley in the lower Juba region. A total of nine Somali and Ethiopian soldiers surrendered themselves to Islamist fighters on Saturday. Ethiopia’s ETV aired a bulletin saying that Sacad Mohamad Al Sacad, a Nigerian officer of the al Qaeda network, has been killed by Ethiopian troops. […]


A pickup truck packed with explosives blew up a police security checkpoint in Peshawar, killing at least 30 people and injuring dozens more. Police say the death toll is likely to rise because people are stuck under the rubble of nearby buildings, which collapsed from the force of the blast. Fighting in Bajaur has forced […]

Sri Lanka says 24 rebels killed in new fighting

China bans mass prayers during Ramadan in restive province


The military believes the Moro Islamic Liberation Front has fractured into splinter groups. MILF may drop support for two commanders behind the recent violence. More troops have been sent to the South to escort UN food aid. More than 500,000 civilians are believed to have been affected by the recent fighting.


Shabaab has taken over the town of Walaweyn. Five Ethiopian soldiers were killed in a Shabaab ambush outside the town of Baidoa. The UN has declined to send peacekeeping forces to Somalia until the political situation improves.


Syria accused of plotting return to power in Lebanon


Bhutto widower Zardari elected Pakistan’s new president