Monthly Archives: September 2008


US Foils Iraqi Terror Plot Using Clues Found in Bakery

Al Qaeda

Qaeda fighters prove stubborn in one of group’s last bastions

North Korea

US intelligence officials believe North Korean leader Kim Jong Il is gravely ill and possibly suffered a stroke. Kim failed to attend a military parade to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic. Reports that a team of elite Chinese doctors have been dispatched to North Korea to treat an unnamed […]


Somali Islamist leader urges world to curb piracy

Al Qaeda

Arab nations still suspect US, Israel in 9/11 attacks


US and Iraqi Officials Try to Reassure Citizen Patrols About Transfer


Coalition forces detained 15 suspected al Qaeda operatives in Mosul and Baghdad. Iraqi forces detained 71 insurgents in Baghdad and four Special Groups fighters in Wasit. One policeman was killed and four were wounded in a suicide car bomb attack in Mosul. An Awakening leader was kidnapped in Diyala. The US released 433 detainees during […]


Bahraini Ambassador to Iraq due end of year


Bush to order a few thousand troops out of Iraq


A military airstrike in Mindanao killed 16 Moro Islamic Liberation Front fighters. MILF said there must be a peace deal before the group disarms. The military said an IED attack in Mindanao was the handiwork of Jemaah Islamiyah.

Al Qaeda

Ayman al Zawahiri, al Qaeda’s second in command, issued a new videotape titled “Assessment of Seven Years of Crusades.” Zawahiri accused Iran of collaborating with the US in Iraq and Afghanistan and claimed Hezbollah did not win the 2006 war with Israel. Mustafa Abu Yazid, al Qaeda’s leader in Afghanistan, and Abdulmalik Droukedel, the leader […]

Russia: Iran nuclear plant nearly ready

IDF warplanes reportedly fly over southern Lebanon


A reconciliation accord is expected to be signed between Alawites and Sunnis in northern Lebanon’s capital of Tripoli. A UN report reiterated a call for Israel to compensate Lebanon for damage from the 2006 war. Hassan Nasrallah appeared on Iranian television and warned any offensive in the Gaza Strip “will have unclear implications for Zionists.”


Cell phone images are providing evidence that a large number of civilians may have been mistakenly killed by US troops operating in western Afghanistan last month. US Marines handed over control of a former Taliban stronghold in southern Afghanistan to Afghan soldiers and their British mentors following a four-month operation. Afghan security forces foiled a […]


Pirates armed with rocket-propelled grenades attacked three vessels off Somalia’s coast but failed to hijack them. Kidnappers holding an Alberta journalist in Somalia have demanded a $2.5 million ransom in exchange for her release. The three Royal Malaysian Navy vessels have arrived in the Gulf of Aden to help patrol Somali waters.

Russia™s Restless Muslim Republics

Iran under attack in new Al-Qaeda video

TIMELINE-Messages attributed to al Qaeda’s Zawahri

Marines hand ex-Taliban stronghold to Afghans