Monthly Archives: September 2008


Iraqi Deputy Premier and al-Sistani Discuss Kurdish Crisis


German police arrest suspected al Qaeda supporter


Bombs kill 10 in Baghdad and near Iranian border

Pakistan claims killing 72 militants in 3 days

Afghan governor, 3 others die in blast near Kabul

No Arab killed in US attack: Haqqani family


A suicide bomber killed 27 and wounded more than 40 in an attack on a police station in Dujail. A suicide bomber killed two and wounded 13 outside a mosque in Sinjar. Iraqi and Coalition forces killed two al Qaeda fighters and detained 13 during raids nationwide. Coalition forces captured two Hezbollah Brigades operatives in […]

Al Qaeda

Suicide bomber kills 25 in attack on Iraq police station

Fresh clashes leave 20 Taliban militants dead in Bajaur

US firm ambushed again in Afghan south, 23 dead

12 killed in US attack on Pakistani border town


Missiles fired from a suspected US drone killed 12 people associated with the Afghan militant organization, Al Badar, in North Waziristan. Security forces killed 20 more insurgents in fresh clashes that broke out in the Loisam, Sangkhata, and Shankai areas of the Bajaur Agency. The Sept. 3 commando stike by US Navy SEALS in South […]


Owners of the German-owned cargo ship that was released on Thursday by Somali pirates paid a $1.1 million ransom. Nine Filipino seamen who were among the 13-member crew of that German-owned vessel were also freed by the pirates. At least six Ethiopians have been killed and 23 others injured in a new series of clashes […]


The military claimed more than 100 “militants” including many foreigners were killed during fighting in Bajaur and another eight were killed in Swat. The Taliban beheaded two police recruits in Hangu and executed three “US spies” in Bajaur. Baitullah Mehsud’s deputy has been granted bail. NATO said it would not participate in cross-border attacks inside […]


Coalition forces captured 18 al Qaeda operatives in central and northern Iraq. Iraqi forces detained 42 insurgents in Baghdad. US troops captured four Special Groups fighters in Baghdad. Five civilians were killed in an attack in Diyala. Eleven civilians were wounded in a bombing near a shrine in Karbala.


Coalition forces killed “several” Haqqani and Taliban fighters during operations in Khost and Ghazni provinces. Two Taliban fighters were killed during a raid in Kapisa province. A US and a British soldier were killed in attacks. A Taliban suicide bomber killed two civilians in Kandahar.


Afghanistan: Taliban accused of using civilians to provoke US attacks


Iran ship firm dimisses US charges, sanctions


US troops already out of cities of most Iraqi provinces: Petraeus