Monthly Archives: September 2008


Iran elite Guards charged with Gulf defense: report


French hostages freed in gunbattle with pirates


Four shot dead, nine hurt in Thailand’s restive south: police


Odierno Takes Command of US Forces in Iraq


Syrian Reform Party says aide to Hamas chief shot dead in Syrian street

Al Qaeda

US officials: Al-Qaida unpopular and ‘imploding’


The military shot at two US helicopters attempting the cross the border in South Waziristan; the US military denied the incident happened. The Swat Taliban freed 25 captive officials as truce talks broke down. The military said 24 Taliban were killed in Bajaur. A Taliban commander was captured in Mohmand.


Abdul Subhan Qureshi has been identified as the leader of the Students™ Islamic Movement of India and the mastermind of the New Delhi and other attacks this year. Interpol has been alerted about Qureshi, who is called India™s Osama bin Laden. Seven suspects have been detained for involvement in the Delhi bombings.


Female Suicide Bomber Kills 22 In Iraq


Horn of Africa Piracy Spurs International Action


India suggests Pakistani hand in New Delhi blasts


US and Iraqi forces killed al Qaeda’s leader in Tamin (Kirkuk) province and captured the leader of Diyala province. Iraqi forces detained 63 suspected al Qaeda in Iraq operatives in Ninewa province. US troops captured two Special Groups operatives in Baghdad. A female suicide bomber killed 22 Iraqis and wounded 33 in Diyala province. Two […]


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters ambushed a Mauritanian Army unit patrolling the desert in Tourine. Twelve soldiers were killed in the fighting. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has promised to step up attacks after a coup in Mauritania earlier this year.


A senior Taliban commander said Iran is supplying EFPs to the terror group. US troops killed one Taliban fighter and wounded five during an attack on an outpost in the Ali Shang district in Laghman province. Two Afghans were killed and seven were wounded in an IED attack Herat province. The Afghan government handed over […]


Iran blocks probe of alleged atom bomb work: IAEA


Gates Foresees Narrower US Combat Role in Iraq


Bombs explode in Beirut on eve of ‘national dialogue™


Swat Taliban releases 25 abducted Frontier Constabulary troops


Pakistani tribes vow reprisal for US missile attacks


Police: Car bombs kill 12, wound 36 in Baghdad


Petraeus Moves to Even More Complex Challenge