Monthly Archives: August 2008


Pentagon: Taliban Launch ‘Complex’ Attack on French Unit in Afghanistan


Pentagon Plans to Send More Than 12,000 Additional Troops to Afghanistan


Iraqi forces arrest Sunni Arab politician’s son


Iraqi Sunnis outraged over Diyala raids, arrests


Cracks in Pakistan coalition day after Musharraf quits


US troops detained two Special Groups leaders in Baghdad and an Asaib al Haq operative in Diyala. Iraqi troops captured two Special Groups operatives in central Iraq, three Mahdi fighters in Maysan, four more in Basrah, and four al Qaeda operatives in Miqdadiyah. Iraqi and US forces captured 12 al Qaeda suspects in raids nationwide. […]


US military hawks tanks to Iraqis in deal worth up to $2B


Ten French soldiers were killed and 21 were wounded in a Taliban ambush east of Kabul; 13 Taliban were killed and 21 French soldiers were wounded in the incident. US and Afghan forces thwarted multiple Taliban suicide attacks on Forward Operating Base Salerno in Khost province. An Afghan child and an interpreter were killed in […]


Policemen kill Diyala governor’s escort, beat deputy


US Vows Continued Support for Pakistan Following Musharraf Resignation


Pervez Musharraf’s resignation leaves Pakistani anti-terror policy uncertain


Musharraf’s resignation highlights terrorism concerns

Al Qaeda

A terror cell appears to have been plotting attacks against the British royal family. A suspect was detained with photos, maps, and information about Britain’s royal family, as well as details on landmarks in London and the US. “They had details of explosives and poisons along with information about London landmarks and a computer folder […]


Pervez Musharraf resigned as president of Pakistan. The government is seeking to restore the judges sacked by Musharraf. The Taliban offered talks with the government after Musharraf’s resignation. Fifty Pakistanis were killed in the latest round of fighting in Kurram. The Northwest Frontier Province assembly passed a resolution calling for sharia law in Malakand.


US military sources said Iran’s test to launch a satellite into space failed. The second stage of the rocket launch “was erratic and out of control” and the rocket “did not perform as designed.” Iran claimed its warplanes now have the range to reach Israel.


More than 460 wanted persons have been detained since the latest operation began in Diyala and 1,323 others surrendered as part of the amnesty program. Iraqi security forces detained 20 insurgents in Baghdad, eight in Basrah, and three in Wasit. Iraqi forces detained 14 al Qaeda-linked insurgents in raids nationwide. Coalition forces detained 11 al […]


Iran’s Revolutionary Guard to Train Iraqi Shiite Youths