Monthly Archives: August 2008


U.N. council must increase sanctions on Iran: US


Slain Syrian general buried, questions linger


A suicide bomber wounded 25 Algerians, including four policemen, in an attack in the town of Tizi Ouzou. The bomber attacked a police station. Al Qaeda is beginning to deploy female suicide bombers in North Africa.


Afghan President: Terror Spreading Like ‘Wild Fire’ In South Asia


Basic soldiering lessons just the start for military transition teams in Iraq


‘Ice warrior™ poised to repel rise of Islamic rule in Turkey

Thirteen Afghan polio cases, unrest hampering vaccinations

International soldier, Afghan judge killed

Sri Lankan forces close in on rebels, fighting kills 23


Iraqi forces detained 37 insurgents during operations in Diyala province, including four senior al Qaeda leaders, and arrested 48 Mahdi Army fighters in Nasiriyah. Two Special Groups operatives were captured in Qurna. Iraqi troops killed two terrorists and captured five in Mosul. Coalition forces detained 15 al Qaeda operatives in central and northern Iraq. Twelve […]


The Last Battle – The Fight Among Iraq’s Shiites

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda confirmed WMD expert Abu Khabab al Masri was killed in the July 28 airstrike in South Waziristan, Pakistan. Mustafa Abu Yazid, al Qaeda’s commander in Afghanistan, issued a statement noting al Masri’s death and said his followers would avenge Khabab’s death.


Sixty-one girls’ schools have been destroyed in Swat. A police officer was killed in Swat. The Taliban targeted military outposts in Lower Dir. A Pakistani TV station said operations would be launched in Mohmand and Bajaur. Posters denouncing increasing Taliban influence continue to appear in Karachi.


Syria arrests man cleared of Madrid bombing


Iran’s Foreign Minister Shrugs Off Nuclear Deadline

The Haqqani Network: Reign of terror

The Haqqani Network has risen in prominence in the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan. The Haqqani family has been behind some of the most high-profile attacks in Afghanistan and is rivaling the older generation of Taliban leaders.


Iraqi forces arrested 265 suspects, including a senior al Qaeda leader, since operations began in Diyala five days ago. Five Awakening fighters were killed in a bombing in Diyala. Coalition forces detained 21 al Qaeda operatives operations in central and northern Iraq. More than 40,000 security forces have deployed in Karbala. Iraqi will purchase $11 […]


Seven policemen were killed in a bomb attack in Swat. At least 103 have been killed since fighting in Swat began this week; the Taliban torched three girls’ schools. The Lal Masjid’s deputy chief cleric threatened to rebuild the Jamia Hafsa. The Pakistani government said it would investigate links to the bombing of the Indian […]

Iraq says 265 arrested in anti-Qaeda offensive

Somali peace deal threatened as 10 ministers quit