Monthly Archives: August 2008


The Anti Terrorism Police Unit arrested eight suspects during the search for senior al Qaeda leader Fazul Abdullah Mohammed. Three of those arrested sheltered Fazul, who narrowly slipped capture by Kenyan police during a raid over the weekend. Police believe he is hiding in Mombasa.


Iraqi troops captured 53 insurgents in Diyala, 31 in Hillah, and eight in Basrah. Iraqi special forces captured an al Qaeda financier and four associates in Diyala. US troops captured 15 al Qaeda operatives, including a leader in Samarra. Police killed a Special Groups fighter and wounded two others in Baghdad.


Anbar province handover delayed for infrastructure, economy, general says


China: how desperation destroyed ideas of harmony on the New Frontie

Six powers to hold talks Wednesday on Iran nuclear program


Two policemen were killed and five others were wounded in fresh attacks by gunmen in Russia’s volatile southern region of Ingushetia. A rebel website has reported the killing of seven Russians in recent clashes in Chechnya. The former defense minister of Chechnya’s separatist government is on a European tour to encourage senior rebel figures to […]

US ‘missed chance’ to kill militant leader Baitullah Mehsud

Five arrested in Fazul terror pursuit


Afghan forces killed 16 Taliban fighters in Kandahar and Uruzgan province. The Taliban remains in control of the Ajristan district in Ghazni province. India announced an additional $450 million in aid for Afghansitan.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda operative Aafia Siddiqui has been brought to the United States to face charges of attempting to murder US FBI agents and soldiers. Siddiqui was captured in Ghazni province in Afghanistan and was in possession of documentation to make explosives, the Anarchist’s Arsenal manual, unknown chemicals, and information on major sites in the US. […]


Karachi is crucial to the Taliban’s campaign, said spokesman Mullah Omar. The Taliban burned down four girls’ schools, a health clinic, and a factory in Swat. A leader of a peace committee survived an IED attack in South Waziristan. The Mohmand Taliban freed 37 members of the rival Shah Sabib group.


Syria: Arrests made over slaying of top military official

Al Qaeda

Radical Islamic cleric Abu Hamza has extradition to US postponed


Iran claimed to have developed a long-range missile that can shut down the Strait of Hormuz. The United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and China agreed to tighten sanctions on Iran. The US, Britain, and France urged closer scrutiny of Iranian banking activity.


Fifteen Taliban and four policemen were killed in a series of clashes in Ghazni, Paktika, Uruzgan, and Kandahar provinces. Two Taliban suicide bombers were killed when their vest exploded prematurely. The Czechs plan to send 200 addition troops in 2009.

Al Qaeda

Zawahiri not believed to be dead or wounded: US intelligence


Iraqis see compromise on Kirkuk standoff


12 Jordanians sentenced for Iraq insurgency plans


Iran Tests ‘New Weapon’, Says It Can Easily Close the Strait of Hormuz


Sixteen policemen were killed and 16 were wounded in an attack on a police station in the Muslim-populated Xinjiang region. The al Qaeda-linked East Turkestan Islamic Movement operates in Xinjiang, and have threatened to attack at the Olympic Games.


The military claimed 30 Taliban and one policeman were killed during fighting; the Taliban torched six girls’ schools. The Taliban killed two soldiers in Dir and released six members of the rival Shabib Shah group in Mohmand. The Taliban threatened attacks if military operations did not end. US-trained Pakistani commandos are being deployed to the […]


Grenade attack kills 16 in China ahead of Games